When Darkness Falls

The One and Only.

She walked among everyone on the streets, acting as if everything was fine. Acting as if she was just like them, normal and innocent. Although we can always question what normal is, tonight normal could be defined as someone without a blade. She lived from apartment to apartment in a beach front city, a beach front city where everyone was young, careless and “easy”. And by easy I mean an easy target; vulnerable and weak. You see, tonight she was out with a purpose. She had a desire that needed to be fulfilled. Her “profession” was one of which she strongly enjoyed, one that was entertaining, was personal and sometimes payable too.

Underneath the long black, blood stained, floor reaching cloak, was a much wanted girl. Everyone knew she existed, but they didn’t know her name or whereabouts nor what she looked like. The only people that ever caught a glimpse of her, was her poor victims...none of whom lived to tell the tale. As she walked, she never made a sound; the only slight thing that could be heard was her cloak gently brushing against the ground, even then no one ever paid enough attention to hear her coming. She was very careful on where she walked and always made sure her path was very dimly lit.

There were a couple of girls she was particularly out to get tonight, two girls who knew too much for her comfort. They had walked past her a few nights ago when she was handling one of her victims; not the best sight for anyone to see. They were the “popular” type of girls which made this mission even more enjoyable. She had hated the prissy, pink obsessed, Jonas Brothers lover type ever since a few years ago...ever since that incident with her “friends” and family...she could never take those few words back that meant so much.

One glimpse of her scar filled face was all they needed to get her jailed for life. Sure it doesn’t sound that bad...at least then she would have a definite place to live, food, water, clothes...but being locked up would drive her insane. Her desire to kill and want for blood was too strong, for even her to handle sometimes. The scars on her face...were from when she lost control. She had stayed hidden for too long and persisted too much through the pain of deprivation.

The small slice made by a knife against her pale white face was so satisfying and addictive, that was all it took for her to go on frenzy. She would look at herself in the mirror and watch the blood slowly drip down her face. When it touched her lips, her eyes would become crimson red by default and automatically she would lick the blood up. This would send her on an unstoppable frenzy until her desire for blood was completely fulfilled. She hadn’t been on frenzy for a couple of months and she tried not to go on too many. When she did...she became just as careless and vulnerable as everyone else. NEVER a good position to be in, especially when you’re wanted.

Her crimson red, bloodthirsty eyes were very pretty when lit up underneath the moonlight. They complimented her long, blood dyed hair and her black cloak. Her pale skin always illuminated underneath the moon which made it look like she was constantly glowing; hence forth why she wore the black cloak. Her lips were pale pink and perfectly shaped. She wore a set of worn out, black, high top converse which she constantly found a new pair of every couple months in a bin.

Overall she was stunningly beautiful, her scars were always hidden in the darkness of night which meant she could lure her victims in with one glance of her flawless beauty. Time and time again, drunk, uni men would walk out of the bar with their girls in arms and stop dumbfounded by her beauty. Initially they would stand still gaping but then they would drop their girls and come uncoordinatedly running over. The girls would try come coming after them but would fall over crying as they saw her standing in the shadows. Initially to her this was flattering, but now, it was just a routine that she had to witness.

She was close to her destination, the girls hung out here practically every night. She shook her head thinking about all the reckless people who were probably drunk and hanging out around the pool’s edge. The elevator was of course empty and lucky for her, the light was broken. A ting sound was made and then the elevator doors opened. She stepped out of the elevator onto the roof top where a pool party was being held. Quietly and quickly she made her way to the corner of the wall to her right and observed. Almost instantly she spotted the two sluts she was looking for, they were both pinned down underneath two guys she vaguely recognised. Of course they were making out and were underneath the spotlight; everyone was just staring at them waiting on edge to see what happened next. In her opinion it was disgusting and dangerous, those kids needed to grow up.

That was when the strong scent of blood hit the air, sickeningly sweet and warm. She grabbed the wall to stop herself from rushing over and joining in on what she thought was clearly bloodlust. A hand gently touched her weak shoulder and an invitingly masculine voice spoke.

“Never hide your feelings for blood or lust or even killing, it never does any good.” She turned around to find a very handsome vampyre, gazing into her crimson eyes. He softly caressed her face and pulled her close. She stood completely still in his presence and feared to say something.

“Do not fear me my true, sweet love, for I am not the one to hurt you.” As he spoke all she truly wanted to do was jump into his arms and close her eyes, letting his sweet scent fill her senses. She knew all too well though, to not trust someone so deeply when meeting them for the first time. The last time she had done that, he took the information she gave him and used it against her. Completely wrecked her integrity and broke her heart; which is why she had to move just this previous year. She had/still suffered depression and for a while she didn’t even move, eat or rarely drank. She was a complete wreck until some people noticed her presence; she had to move and build some strength back up before the police were pulled in. It still brought her to tears whenever she was reminded about him and before she realised it, she was full on crying in his arms.

“Shhhh, it’s alright. I feel your pain. I don’t think you know this, but I have been watching over you these last four years and experiencing everything you’ve gone through second hand,” she instantly froze and tried to stop crying, “Don’t fret love, your mother knew me very well and asked me to watch over you, make sure you were alright, just before she died. These few years have been extremely hard for you, losing your friends, family and having a broken heart, but you know what? You’re an extremely strong girl, and I know you have the strength to get through this. I will be here with you the whole time and forever after. Shall death till do we part.”

She just couldn’t resist him any longer; he was so understanding and caring she had no strength to fight back. She snuggled close to his cool, muscular chest and let the hood of her cloak slide off her head. As the clouds parted and the moon shone down, the light hit their pale skin, illuminating them both. The sweet aroma of blood was still in the air which she later found out was coming from him. Both of their crimson red eyes met each other’s and neither one could stop from staring at each other’s immense beauty. He was a vampyre, while she was a human, neither one minding the differences. He softly whispered down her ear, “The name is Eric.”

She softly and shakily replied back, “The name is Rose.” He placed his hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her, placing a rose in her hair. “I know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

Thanks for reading this one shot and I hope you liked it =) It has been keeping me up for a couple of days now, so I am glad it has finally come together. Be sure to leave a comment on your way out and please tell me if there any mistakes.

Yours sincerely,