Status: Active! Waiting for Niki's Chapter!! x

Secrets Can Hurt The Caring


“Damn” I thought. It’s Sunday night, and the lads all want me down town, but then I have the small problem, of the school day starting at 8.10 tomorrow. Usually I wouldn’t care about getting to school on time, but this is my final shot at education, as moms said already “Waste this chance, the rest of your life is working in a supermarket”. And I know supermarkets you get discounts on cheese and stuff, but I’d much rather be the opening band for Avenged Sevenfold then stacking up cut price beans.

But then again, a night out with the lads does sound pretty tempting. The basic lads night includes getting drunk, eating junk, going down town, pulling a right bird, and avoiding the chaves when they want to start on us. It’s always a right crease up, but then you get the hangover from hell haunting you the next afternoon.

I looked in the mirror to see what state I was in. I guess if I was skipping the night out, I could get a bath yah know; scrub up for the first day at my “new school”. It’s meant to be a total fresh start here, but I’m pretty sure the whole place is going to judge me, like the 12 other schools I’ve been to. The last one I walked in and got branded that “Emo” kid.

I guess you could call me an Emo. I mean, I have Jet black hair that’s kinda short and cropped at the back with a deathly straight fringe covering my left eye. I have snake bites on my bottom lip and I’m never seen in baggy jean, they always have to be skin tight to show the ladies my leg muscles. Im 5”12 So I’m not exactly short. And I always wear band T-shirts to how I support my music idols.

As for me as a person. Well I’m Zander. All the lot down town know me as the heart-breaker, just because girls fall for me and well I don’t wanna be the guy whose settled down in love and married by the age of 25. I want to be a rockstar, and have the complete rock life style that goes with it too. You know “sex drugs rock & roll”. That sounds like the way life should be to me. I mean, seriously what’s the point in doing the marriage and kids thing? Sleeping with one chick for the rest of your life, or sleeping with millions of hotties? And as for the kids thing, yeah moms always reminding me of how I messed her life right up, so I really don’t think kids is a path I’ll ever take.

So anyway, I decided on staying in, playing bass and yes, having a bath. I Love playing bass. I can play plain old electric guitar too. But bass is by far my first love. Just because before dad got put away he taught me how to play. I kinda fel as if its my connection to him whilst hes behind bars for the next 20 years. But yeah… dad’s a long story, and won’t go into that anytime soon.

I was on YouTube earlier and I was looking at fan videos for an anime I’m into, and I heard a song that struck me. So I picked up good old frank (my bass) and started messing, and nailed the tabs to the FanVid song. I was pretty impressed with myself.

“Zander.. Get your backside into bed now. Its 10.45, and you are not being late for your first day at school. Get to sleep and turn that music off!” Mom bellowed at me.

I unplugged my IPod from the speaker and put it in my jacket pocket. “damn” I thought. I had to pack my bag for my first day, but I’m totally confused as to what I needed to take. I searched around my room and found a pen my doodle pad that contained symbols from the anime I love, a pencil and my mobile phone. I’m hoping I wont need anything else. I shouldn’t do. I mean I am the new kid, the teachers may cut me some slack for that.

Great, but what if the kids in my class despise me. I generally get along with most kids who aren’t jocks, but you can never tell in a new place.

I chucked my bag over the side of my bed towards the direction of my uniform pile and clambered into bed.

“Heres to a new start Zander “ I thought to myself.
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Niki's Chapter!!
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My chapter will come up soon (yn)