Status: One-shot; completed.

Don't Charge Me For The Crime


This is life in this world
Some things go right
Some things go wrong
It's just how the world can be
People just want to be free

The verdict came in and it said I was guilty
I looked at the judge, "Hey America built me"
Tried to get rich but they labeled me filthy
Only God can judge me, touch me, feel me...

I didn't mean to screw up this bad. I didn't want to get Freida into this. I didn't mean to let myself get this far. But here I am, hands clenched behind my back under tight restriction of the silver handcuffs. Clad in an orange jumpsuit, I take each step as if it's my last. The hallways seem narrow and constricting, and I am being pushed along by a ruthless man. Arriving at my final destinastion, I am welcomed to my new home by a hard shove on my lower back and the clang of keys against metal bars. I won't see fresh air for another 2 years.

My friend calls me at 9 o-clock
Says, "Get the car it's time to rock"
Never heard him speak this way

I grab the keys and hit the road
It's all a flash but who would know
How the story would unfold
Don't charge me for the crime

(Wrong place, wrong time)
Don't charge me for the crime
(Wrong place, wrong time)
Don't charge me for the crime

Freida Polard was just your average 17 year old girl, loving life and obsessed with her high-school boyfriend, Sean. They are always together, everyday. They are they couple you see making out in the halls and getting it on in the movie theaters. Freida's shiny black hair toppled over her shoulders, Sean's dark brown hair covering his eyes as they kiss. Sean runs his hands over her cheek and body, gently tracing every curve and bend with experienced hands. They were in love.

Freida sighed. She would never use this geometry in her life. Waking her from her daze, her phone rang.
It was Sean. Freida got butterflies in her stomach and smiled despite herself.
"Hey Sean. What's up?"
"Mmm, pick me up in ten. Got some bid'ness to take care of."
He sounded weird. Not normal. His words slightly slurred and he seemed to be having trouble pronouncing them and thinking of the right words to use.
"Umm...sure? You alright?"
He laughed. It wasn't funny.
"Course! Now come here!"
He hung up. Freida's eyebrows crinkled. This was so weird. But, he was her boyfriend after all. Maybe he just wanted to do something really romantic and surprise her. So, she rna her hands over her glossy hair and adjusted her bangs a bit, then grabbed her purse and ran out the door.

My friend gets in the car with bags
Filled to the top with loads of cash
Throws his pistol on the dash

Says, "I'm sorry for the crime
That I've involved you in this time
You're the only friend I've got."
So don't charge me for the crime

(Wrong place, wrong time)
Don't charge me for the crime
(Wrong place, wrong time)
Don't charge me for the crime

I start to freak and scream so loud
Just like the females in the crowd
That's when he gets in my head

You could live just like a king
With everything you'd ever need
All the dreams of every man
Don't charge me for the crime

(Wrong place, wrong time0
Don't charge me for the crime
(Wrong place, wrong time)
Don't charge me...

Freida saw him standing under the florescent lights at the local Cumberland Farms. His eyes looked bloodshot and his face shown with a sleek layer of sweat. Fumbling with her keys, she unlocked the door to let him get inside. That was when she noticed the gun, the money hanging out of his pockets, and the sirens sounds from a few miles away. He turned and looked at her expectantly.

"Well!? Go!"

Freida took a deep breath and slammed on the brake, refusing to think about what she was sure he had done. As soon as he was satisfied they were far enough away from the cops he began to explain.

"Free, I'm sorry. ..I have nothing. You're the only thing I have worth living for. You're the only friend I've got. It's not my fault, I had to do this, Free! I need the money! Besides what were they going to do with it anyways, keep it locked up in their little register? I need it for food, for my apartment, for my bills. You know that. I know that. I'm sorry, just please do this for me? Please, please don't let me get caught."

Freida's eyes widened.

"No, Sean! No! NO!" She gripped the steering wheels and spun themselves around, heading straight back to the police officers surrounding the brick building.

"This isn't me, Sean. This is it. I love you, but I'm doing what's best for me. If you love me too you'll understand this is what I have to do."

Sean's brows were furrowed and he muttered a few curse words under his breath, but he didn't say anything other than that. They pulled up to the gas station and Free closed her eyes and silently prayed in her head before the cops surrounded the car.

Sirens sound and my heart was pounding
I look at my man while cops surround him
Teams on the scene with no objective
The American dream can be so deceptive

now I see the flashing light
There goes my future and my life
Now I've gotta do whats right

I stop the car and throw the keys
Out of the window, sets me free
I throw the pistol in the back

So I'm out of the car
Say so you know me well
I'm not going to jail
I'm not planning on it
Believe me when I say
Don't charge me for the crime

Wrong place, wrong time
Don't charge me for the crime
Wrong place, wrong time
Don't charge me for the crime

What if they put this on my record? She thought. What if I go to jail for assisting a criminal! Her mind whirled with the endless possibilities. Her stomach was upside down and her breathing came quick and short. Sean had a poker face on, she couldn't read his expression. She could only think of one thing to do to prove to America's police force she had to right to go to jail. Pulling her keys out of her ignition, she tossed them violently out the passenger side window, sending them whizzing by Sean's head and landing with a clink on the wet, black pavement. She then gave Sean a quick kiss on the cheek, unbuckled her seatbelt, and left the car. Hands up, she approached the police officer who seemed to be in charge and uttered six words.

"Don't charge me for the crime."
♠ ♠ ♠
comments? one-shot.