Lucario the Aura Warrior

Chapter 1

I ran, my fast speed carrying my mile after mile in a matter of seconds. Something moved to my left. I leaped quickly, making me burr of blue, black, and white fur, onto the cliff above me.
Umbreon stood on the canyon floor, searching for me. I ran along the cliff, Umbreon headed the other way. I wasn’t safe yet, Luxray, Houndoom, Swampert, and Aggron were still out there searching for me.
“The Aura is with me…hummmmmmmm…” I crouched closing my eyes. The four black tear drop shaped sensors on the back of my head started vibrating as they lifted up.
Even with my eyes closed I could still see. But it was like a whole different world. I saw only the aura of every thing around me. The aura of rocks or plants, a slivery pink. That of the living, a silvery blue. I sent my vision out across the whole canyon. I searched for the pokemon that were looking for me.
Aggron was a mile in front of me. Houndoom was above me on the next ridge. Luxray was right below me a few yards form Umbreon. Swampert was to my right, searching along the river bed. And behind me standing on a large cliff watching the whole thing was our trainer, Sir Kilos.
Master, how is the training coming along? I said using my mind.
You are doing a fine job Lucario. I well let you know when training is done for the day. Keep up the good work girl. He replied.
Yes master. I left in search of one of the others.
Houndoom had caught sight of me heading in the direction of Aggron. He landed in front of me growing. I leaped over him and continued running. He chased after me.
I dodged. “Your going to have to be quicker than that.” I said through telepathy.
“Grrrrofff!” I hit him with Aurora Sphere. When the dust cleared, I saw Houndoom had fainted.
You did well my friend. I whispered in his head as I watched my master send Houndoom back into his Pokeball.
You did great Lucario. Master’s voice was in my head.
I head towards Aggron again. He turned when he heard me coming. As quickly as he could, prepared his Hyper Beam. I jumped from rock to rock, my movements so fast he could not keep track of me.
“By the time you get me in perfect target point, I well be in a different spot with Bone Crusher ready.” I told him.
Just as I told him, I was in a different spot. He was looking for me but I moved to fast. I appeared out of nowhere, attacking with Bone Crusher. I kept coming with Bone Crusher before he ever got to attack.
Aggron laid fainted. Have a good long rest dear Aggron. Master sent Aggron into his Pokeball.
Nice job again Lucario. You are getting stronger and faster real quickly. Master said softly.
Thank you Master Kilos. I smiled and went looking for Swampert.
I tried to dodged Swampert’s powerful Surf. The force of the water knocked me in to the river. I was swept down the river by the strong current. Swampert dived into the water. I had a surprise waiting for him.
I hid in a large dark hole on the side of the river bank. Just as Swampert was in front of me, I attacked him with Striking Kick. Swampert was thrown from the river. I jumped out of the water and on to the bank. I caught a glimpse of Swampert hitting the side of a cliff. As soon as it was clear enough to see, I ran to where he had fallen. Swampert had fainted from the power of my attack and the force of slamming into the cliff.
Good job Lucario. Swampert return. Swampert returned to his Pokeball. I turned and stared in the direction of Master Kilos. Even though I wasn’t using my Aura and I couldn’t see him, I knew he was smiling. Go for Luxray now. Umbreon is to be the last to fight.
I ran along the path. Luxray was up ahead a few yards, I could sense him. Just as I came around the bend he jumped me. I was thrown back by the force of his Discharge. I try to move but couldn’t. I was paralyzed!
"Good shot Luxray." I said mastering some movement in my legs. It was enough to get me out of his reach.
Dont play with me Lucario. I know what your up to. Luxray growled.
"Oh really? Do you really think your that good?" I toyed with his emotions.
I manged to get out of the way. "I know you can do better then that." I was buying time now. The effect of his discharge was going away.
STOP IT!!! He use Spark.
"Okay Im done. Hahaha! Aurora Shpere!" It hit him dead on. "Now let see if your hurt, hey. Haha."
Luxray had fainted. Sir Kilos called him back.
Nice job again. But watch with the toying, you could turn him intto your enemey. Kilos said.
Yes Master. I'll be more careful. Now off to find Umbreon Sir.
Okay. Remember Umbreon is... I cut Kilos off
Umbreon is the strongest of the team. Its because she was your very first pokemon. You raised her from and egg. I know Master.
Okay. now get a move on.
Yes Sir.
Found Umbreon down a narrow path in the canyon wall. She turned when she heard me come up behind her.
Finelly you show up. I've been really bored. She said as looked at me.
"I had the others to take care of. Now not ot keep ypu waiting. BONE CRUSHER!" I started to swing the bone at her, but a sharp apin shot up my right arm. "GGGGUUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHAAA!!" I cried out.
It looks like Luxray did some real damge on you. Umbreon snickered.
I looked at my arm. There was a hug gash where a thunder bolt had hit me. "I didnt remember feeling getting cut? Whats up with this?"
Suck it up kid, you have a lot to learn. Umbreon came at me with Shadow Ball.
"Its just my arm thats hurt." I dodged her attack.
I know that. But that still slows you down! Umbreon used Shadow Claw.
"Im not going to lose to the likes of you! I've made a promise to someone very dear to me... A promise to get stronger and find the people who did her wrong! " I used Bone Crusher, ignoring the pain in my arm.
Do you mean Lily? The little girl who abandened you on the master's door steps. You where just a Riolu then. Just a baby. She was trying to mess with my emotion.
"You can say what you want, its not going to bother me. Lily left me with Kilos because she couldn't raise me. With the disapparence of her parents, couldnt train me every day like I needed. So she sent me to someone who couldm make me stronger. She left Kilos a note that as soon as I was stronger to send for her and she will come form me. Then she and I well go loking for her parents and rescue them." I used Force Palm.
You believe that she will come for you?Prasies Arceuse! your dumb. She left you, she don't care about you. she has probley forgotten you and got her self a new pokemon. Your just living on a dream! she came at me with Shadow Ball again.
"Lily Loves me! I was there the day she heard the news. I was the only one to tell her it was okay. I was with her the day she was born. she was only six but she knows what being a true friend means. Never give up on some one you consdir your friend and never forget them when they leave your daily life! You'll never know what it feels like to see the one person you care the most about hurt in so many ways!" I attacked her with a move I have never used before. Close Combat!
I hit Umbreon with every once of strenght i had left. She couldnt dodge them. I was driven by pure rage agaisnt every work she ahd said. She has awakened my true strenght.
Umbreon couldn't handle any more hits and fainted. I stood over her, panting. Every last once of my strenght I had was gone. I collapesed, unable to keep myself standing.
"That power was amazing Lucario. I have never seen anything like that before." Kilos had walked to where Umbreon and I was battling.\
" master." I closed my eyes and smiled.
"Umbreon return. Get some rest Lucario, you need it." He called Umbreon and me back to our pokeballs.
We will be together again Lily, that I promise!
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Im done. I hope you like it. I worked really ahrd on it.