Status: slowly active(:

That Mouth and Those Lies

I'll Leave You Hurting Every Night.

Hot, muggy, sweaty, humid. Those are four perfect words that describe today’s climate.

You see, I'm in Phoenix, Arizona because my boyfriend, Alex Gaskarth, brought me on Warped Tour with him. Awesome, right? Wrong. I mean, it would be fun if I didn’t have to timelessly watch girl fans all over him, have to share a small bus with five other messy guys, have to have a bathroom the size of a broom closet, and have to sell merch while my boyfriend and his band performed.

That’s what I was currently doing: sitting at All Time Low’s merch tent, in the blazing heat, handing teenage girls shirts and taking their money. It didn’t help any that the girls were not the nicest. Making me testy, and even hotter.

“You look like you’re having so much fun,” my boyfriend laughed as he coiled his manly arms around my lean waist.

I turned around and pressed my lips to his and I could taste Vodka. “I'm having even more, now.”

He pressed his sweaty forehead against mine. “I can't imagine why.”

I pulled my head away from his. “It’s definitely not because you’re one sweaty mess.”

Alex flung his hands over his heart in a hurt gesture. “I’m not a mess, Carson!”

“You’re right,” I agreed, sitting back down in my chair. “You're a sweaty mess.”

“And you’re a bitch, but I digress,” there was no joke in Alex words.

I stood up and got in his face. “Do not talk to me like that.”

“Or what? Poor wittle Cawson gonna hit me?” he chuckled, using baby-talk.

“Much worse,” I narrowed my eyes at him.

He rolled his glassy brown eyes, “I’m shaking, Carson, really. And your shorts are too short. I don’t need a whore as a girlfriend.”

“And I don’t need a drunk as a boyfriend,” I snarled, poking my finger in his chest.

“Maybe you don’t need me as a boyfriend at all,” he took a wobbly step backward.

I could feel tears pricking in my eyes. As much as me and Alex didn’t get along these days, I couldn’t handle the thought of loosing him. I loved him more than love itself and we’ve been together so long. I just couldn’t imagine life without him.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I whirled around. I wiped under my eyes to make sure no tears escaped.

“Y-yes?” I asked, looking at the ground.

“I’m here for Alex,” the deep, smooth voice said.

I looked up and nearly swooned at the sight of this guy. He was about six feet tall, skinny yet perfectly fit; he had messy light brown hair, the most gorgeous hazel eyes I’d ever seen, and a knee-melting smile.

Alex came beside me and wrapped the guy in a man-hug. “John Ohhh, what brings you to my tent?”

“Party tonight, Boys Likes Girls’ bus, nine o’clock,” his stunning smile widened. “You in?”

“Totally,” Alex nodded his head.

“You in too, Blondie?” John asked me, a different smile appearing on his face.

“I'm always up for a party,” I smirked, hoping I was pissing off Alex.

“Can't wait to see you there,” he sent a flirtatious look my way and sauntered off.

I looked over at Alex and he was seething. Perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Carson Hayden Hanley

john ohh&alex asskarth<3

show me some love and i'll update again today.