Status: slowly active(:

That Mouth and Those Lies

The Party Scene Has Got The Best Of You And Me.

I had just finished applying eyeliner to my top lid when Alex walked into the bathroom.

“What do you want?” I asked, still angry at him from earlier.

“You look hot,” he commented as he stepped closer to me.

I looked down at my outfit: a short, black and purple zebra print Volcom dress, black flip flops, black bangles, and a long sliver necklace. My light blonde hair was straightened and came a little past my shoulders. I did my make-up in dark purple tones.

“Promise me you won't get drunk tonight,” I pleaded, smoothing out the wrinkles in his Glamour Kills t-shirt.

“You're no fun,” he pouted out me. “But, I promise I won't.”

“Good boy,” I pecked his lips and dragged him out of the bathroom with me.

“Who’s ready for a party?” Jack questioned raising his hands to the ceiling.

“I am,” I mocked his behavior.

“I'm not,” Zack shuffled into the living area wearing a pair of green basketball shorts, and a big Hurley pullover. “I’m so sick.”

“In summer?” Rian questioned.

“I think it’s some sort of stomach virus,” Zack explained as he slumped down on the couch.

“Sucks for you,” Alex said apathetically. “It’s gonna be one hell of a party. Let’s go, guys!”

“Party, party!” Jack chanted as he, Rian, and Alex left the bus.

I went over to Zack and kissed him on the cheek. “I hope you feel better, Zacky. Call me if you need anything.”

“Will do, Carsy,” he smiled as I pulled a blanket over him.

“Bye,” I waved to him before I got off of the bus.

When I got outside the guys were no where in sight. Figures. Nothing, not even their girlfriend or best friend would get in the way of a party. Luckily, I knew where Boys Like Girls’ bus was.

I started walking in the bus’s general direction. It was dark and not too much seemed familiar to me. I was looking at some buses off to my left when I hit into someone.

“Walk much?” the person hissed at me.

“I could say the same thing to you,” I shot back, but regretted saying it as soon as I saw who I ran into. It was John O’Callaghan in all his perfect, handsome manly finery.

“Aggressive,” he remarked. “I wouldn’t wanna run into you in a dark alley.”

I laughed at him. “Make sure to stay out of dark allies then.”

“Will do,” his hazel eyes smiled into mine and we started to walk. “You got a name, Blondie?”

“Nope,” I joked, shaking my head.

“Interesting,” he mused, stroking his chin.

“Carson,” I told him as I giggled.

“No, I'm John,” he said, trying to hide a smile.

“No, you're just a dork,” I teased.

“Carson,” he repeated. “What a beautiful name.”

“It’s a boys’ name,” I disagreed.

The bus, overflowing with people and loudly blasting music came into sight. John and I entered the bus together, and I sure people thought we were together. Truth be told, I didn’t really mind. I mean, people thinking I was with John was better than them thinking I was with that drunken, man-whore, Alex Gaskarth.

“Wanna get a drink?” John asked me over the blaring music. I nodded my head in response. “What do you want?” he asked when he reached the counter overflowing with alcohol.

“Rum and coke,” I shouted, trying to be heard over the music.

He nodded his head and made the drink. “Here you go, Carson.”

“Thanks, Johnny,” I grinned at him and sipped the drink. The cool liquid slipped down my throat and I could feel myself loosening up

“Let’s dance,” he took my hand and guided me to the dance floor. Or rather the living room of the bus.

After what seemed like hours of dancing and talking to John, he bent down and whispered in my ear, “Wanna go back to my bus?”

I wanted to say yes, so badly, but I knew I couldn’t. I mean, I had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who, I'm sure would murder John if he found out that anything happened between us.

Just as I was about to say no, something in the corner of the room caught my eye. There, on the love seat, sat my boyfriend with his tongue rammed down some other girl’s throat.

My breath caught in my chest, and tears welled in my eyes. The worst thing of all, it wasn’t the first time I saw Alex cheating on me. No, you see, me and Alex’s relationship is strictly a secret. Because if everyone knew about us, the media would soon be found out, and that just wasn’t what we wanted.

So, in public, me and Alex acted like there was absolutely nothing going on between us. To keep up this little façade, Alex had to act interested in other girls. And if he could ‘act’ interested in others, so could I.

I reverted my gaze to John’s gorgeous face. “Let’s go,” I told him.

His face broke into a smile, bent down and kissed my cheek, and led me off the bus.
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