Status: work in progress

THE PROPHECY: Nothing is ever black and white


Hi my name is Elisabeth and this is my story

Up until the time i was 14 my life was actually pretty normal, I wasnt the most liked girl in school but I had a few friends they werent exactly bestfriends but I was never lonely. Both my parents were slayers and neither of them were home very often they kept the streets safe for humans and creatures alike. Slayers were like police execpt instead of policing humans they policed the demons, werewolves, vampires and all the other creatures out there. In my world Humans and Creatures coexist living side by side, but not everyone likes it that way. some creatures think that humans are nothing but slaves and cattle and should be treated as such and likewise some humans think that all creatures are evil souls sucking monsters. My parents both fell under the hating Creatures catagory which I assume is why they became slayers they were liscensed to kill any creature that steps out of line.

On the night of my 14th birthday my parents were out hunting as usual and I was at my house with a couple friends. It was shortly after midnight when I got the call, it was my parents supervisor he told me that both of my parents had been killed apparently they came across a couple weres out past curfew during a full moon and instead of following protocol and calling in for backup they decided they could handle it on there own. Well let me just tell you there is a reason weres have a curfew during the full moon, as soon as the sun goes down on a fullmoon werewolves lose all control they immediately transform and attack the closest thing to them the only exception being the other members of their pack. Thats why every werewolve is required to be indoors locked away for the night an hour before sunset and any were breaking curfew is to be immediately arrested that is after calling backup. My parents may have been considered the best slayers of the day but they werent any match for 3 fully grown weres during a fullmoon and so that night the night of my 14th birthday I became an orphan.

Things didnt change all that much other than moving to a goverment sponsered boarding school for children of deceased slayers that just happened to be run by retired slayers and going from hardly seeing my parents to never seeing my parents my life stayed pretty much the same.

That was until exactly four years later when........he came for me.
Thats right my story offically starts on my 18th birthday the day my life changed forever.
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This is my first story and Im really excited about so let me know if you like and if you do subscribe and comment bescause there will be more chapters to come