Status: work in progress

THE PROPHECY: Nothing is ever black and white

Elisabeths Party

I’ve always had trouble sleeping and lately I’ve been getting less sleep than usual. It’s all because of this damn stupid dream I’ve been having every night for the past 2 weeks. The dream always started the same I wake up only I’m not in my room I’m in this huge immaculate at might I add extremely tacky room. Everything in the room is black except for the marble tile which has bits of white running through it. I get out of the bed and I see I’m wearing a very revealing nightgown that I would never wear in a million years oh and by the way the nightgown/lingerie also happens to be black. Then I hear someone playing a piano somewhere below me.
Following the music I walk out of the room I’m in and go down a flight of stairs I open the door to what I’m pretty sure is a grand ballroom and then over in the shadows sitting at the piano I see him. The man that haunts my dreams, I can’t see his face but I can tell he is tall with shoulder length hair. He stands up and takes a few steps toward me instinctively I step back and he smiles at me, then before I have time to blink he is standing behind me with his arms around me. I try to break free but he is too strong he brushes my hair to one side then he says “You can’t run from me my love this birthmark makes you mine; we are soul mates given time you won’t even want to leave me.” The arrogance in his voice sparked my anger and I fought even harder I kicked his shin and he released me laughing “you can’t fight destiny” I kept running not looking back.
When I finally wake up I’m covered in sweat and shaking the dream never changes and every time I have I become more and more annoyed. If this continues I’m going to be like a zombie during my waking hours.

Things aren’t all bad though I thought to myself even though I’m going to be up even later than normal today was my 18th birthday and my friends and my teachers were throwing a party for me and because my friends Stacy and Danni were the main planners I knew it was going to be awesome.
I started getting ready because I was supposed to meet my friend Kara down by the entrance hall in half an hour. Since it’s my birthday Kara and I had planned to go shopping and pick out our dresses for tonight’s party. On the way down stairs I passed Stacy and she reminded to be back by 6 o’clock sharp so I’d have plenty of time to get ready “you know I love you” she said “But this is the first party we have had here in months and a lot of people are coming If your late we will start the party without you” I laughed and said “just how many people are you expecting” “well as far as I know most of the student body will be there and a few kids from town” she said and then added “but don’t worry the party is still going to be all about you we are planning to have you make your grand entrance after everyone arrives” “Grand entrance? You mean when everybody stares at you when you walk in and you have hope like hell you don’t fall and look like a moron if front of everyone?” I exclaimed “there is no way I am doing that, how about I just walk in like a normal person?” “Fine” she said “but we are still putting posters of you above the stage” I blanched “Posters of me? What the hell Stacy?” She laughed and walked off before I could say anything else.

“Hey Elisabeth, you ok you look kinda pale?” my friends Kara asked. “I just saw Stacy apparently there are going to be huge posters of me above the stage tonight where everyone of the hundreds of people there will see them” I replied. Kara laughed out loud “Damn girl you act like it’s the end of the world you should be happy so many people are coming to YOUR party and as far as the posters go you know you’re gorgeous and everyone will think so.”
“Well I don’t want anyone thinking I’m arrogant or something, besides the party is starting to look like some over the top sweet sixteen party” I said
“oh come on let’s get going or we won’t have enough time to shop” Kara said “yeah let’s go” I said
On the way to the mall we passed a couple on the street, I cringed because the girl was clearly a demon and the man was human. I will never understand how people can cross the species boundary like that now I admit that many immortals are very attractive but there is no way I would ever date one.
After a couple hours shopping both Kara and I had found dresses for the party. My dress was ankle length and black and fit me like a second skin Kara’s was also black but went up past her knees if it had been any shorter she wouldn’t have been able to where it because of the party being at the school. We sat down to eat in the food court and started talking about our dresses. Then she changed the subject by saying “I think I’m in love” I replied saying “you think you’re in love? Shouldn’t you be sure about something like that?” She laughed “well his name is Derek and he is should be here any minute” “wait he is meeting us here?” I said “well yeah I wanted you to meet him and I couldn’t bring to the school” she said “why can’t he come to the school?” I asked then Kara looked over my shoulder and waved. “Derek hey over here” she called out. Then Derek came over and sat next to her and I realized why he couldn’t come to the school…. he was a Were. “Elisabeth this is Derek, Derek this is Elisabeth.” Derek reached out to shake my hand I reluctantly shook it and he said “hey Elisabeth it’s nice to finally meet you Kara has told me so much about you, oh and happy birthday.”
“Oh thanks it’s nice to meet you too.” I said
Then Kara and Derek got into their own conversation and I was left to my thoughts. I can’t believe that my best friend is dating a Were. It gross and weird and oh my god what if they are having sex!!!

About half an hour later we left and she asked me “so what did you think of Derek?” I didn’t want to say what a really thought because I knew it would hurt her so I just said “he seemed really nice” and like she knew what I was thinking she said “he really is a great guy and I know he is a Were and all but he has never hurt anyone and I know he never would.” I smiled and said “I am happy for you” because I knew that’s what she wanted to hear. She smiled and that was the end of the conversation we didn’t talk again until we got back to the school and were getting ready.

We walked into to the party at exactly 8 and to my relief there weren’t any posters of me anywhere the place actually looked really good everywhere I looked I saw purple and crystal It was really beautiful but not to over the top.
Kara pointed out Danni and Stacy and we walked over to them. I hugged Danni and told her how cool the place looked and then laughing I said to Stacy “You suck so bad I was scared to come to tonight I thought it was going to be horrible” she laughed at me and said “ I know I’m sorry but I just couldn’t help it.”
Kara jumped in and said “the place is awesome you guys I can’t believe You actually got a live band!”
“Yea” Danni said “I was kinda surprised when the headmaster agreed to it”
We all walked over in front of the stage and started dancing, for a local band they were actually pretty good. Finally around midnight the teachers shut down the party and I walked up stairs got undressed and was in heaven when I finally got to lay down. I silently prayed that I would have good night’s sleep for a change and passed out.
I woke up with sunlight blinding me and cursed my roommates name believing she opened the curtains again. Then sighed contentedly at least I slept pretty well and I didn’t have that damn dream again. Sitting up I realized that my roommate hadn’t opened the curtains because I wasn’t in my room. I was in the room from my dreams except I wasn’t dreaming.
Then I saw him the man that has been haunting my dreams and he was sitting at the foot of the bed with his shirt off smirking at me.
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