Status: work in progress

THE PROPHECY: Nothing is ever black and white

The ceremony

I screamed who the hell are you? What the hell am I doing here? Did you fucking kidnap me? You fucking prick!! Take me home right now!!!

“Well that was definitely a mouth full, now ignoring the prick part…My name is Mikhail demon ruler of the kingdom of immortals as my father did before me. You my dear are here because I am going to take you as my queen and yes I suppose you could say that I kidnapped you.” Said the incredibly hot man apparently named Mikhail
My mouth dropped that arrogant bastard….”What the hell is wrong with you! You can’t just go around kidnapping people and forcing them to marry you…you arrogant son of a bitch!”

“Well actually” he started “I can do whatever I want seeing as how I am a king”
I stood up from the bed out my hands on my hips and said “ok you know what this is ridiculous there is no reason for us to even talk about this because I’m not marrying you it’s as simple as that.” I said and then added “so you can just take me home right now and I will forget this ever happened”

Mikhail laughed “Normally a person speaking to me like this would be automatically sentenced to death, but I like that you are high spirited it’s a good quality for a queen to have not to mention my people would never respect a queen who was afraid of her king. Demon women are naturally strong willed, I believe you will fit in nicely here.”

“for the last time I AM NOT GOING TO MARRY YOU!! evil soulless jerk!” I screamed at him.

ok well you may be right about the evil soulless part, but I assure you I was not born out of wedlock.” He said “but that’s enough for now we have to get you ready for the ceremony” he turned his head and called out “Mary you may come in now” A short girl dressed In a plain white dress walked in the room with her head bowed. “Yes my lord how may I assist you?” she said

Mikhail said “You are to bring my soon to be queen her breakfast and then help her prepare for the ceremony tonight”
Then he turned to me and said “Elisabeth this is Mary she is your companion and assistant, if you ever need anything and I am not around talk to her”
I snorted and said “oh so now you are giving me servant?”
He gave me a dark look and said “Mary is a not a servant she is my employee and should be treated with respect.”
“ok well sorry.” I said I instantly felt bad and wished I hadn’t said it.

He seemed to soften and said “you are forgiven” then he showed me to a closet full of clothes and told me they were all mine “go ahead and get dressed while Mary gets your breakfast, I will see you later at the ceremony.”
I grumbled as I got dressed even though I had no intention of going through with this ceremony I knew I couldn’t stay in my pajamas all day. I picked out a pair of jeans and a black and white checkered tee then slipped on a pair of black converse.

By the time I had finished dressing Mary came back in the room with a tray of food I wasn’t really all that hungry so I just picked up a muffin. I looked at Mary and said “hey I’m sorry about the servant thing I wasn’t really thinking when I said it I didn’t mean it.”
Mary smiled and said “Don’t worry about I assure you that you’re not the only one to call me a servant but you said it a lot nicer than anyone else would have.”
“Most people wouldn’t say sorry either so don’t feel bad”
I laughed a little and said “so how long have you been working here” Mary replied “not very long only about 120 years” I snorted “only 120 years!” “omg how old are you!”

Now it was Mary’s turn to laugh “Don’t act so surprised I’m hardly to oldest person here demons can live thousands of years, actually lord Mikhail is close to 600 years old.”
“Eeewww that’s gross I didn’t want to marry him before but damn now if really isn’t going to happen he is ancient!” “Omg ugh an old man wants to marry me! He is like a cradle robber or something……”
Mary giggled and said “well it could be worse Mikhail is a KING and rich not to mention he just happens to be the most eligible bachelor in the world right now. There are thousands no scratch that hundreds of thousands women who would kill to be in your place.”
I smirked “I don’t suppose that you are one of those women are you?”
She gagged “ugh ok now that’s gross Mikhail has been like a brother to me since I came here he has really looked out for me.”
“But we really have to get you ready for the ceremony”

Confused I asked her “you mean the wedding?”
She stopped smiling and said “no not the wedding that’s not till the weekend.”
I said “well if it’s not the wedding then what kind of ceremony is it?”
Mary looked down and said “well I have been given strict orders not to tell you the details of the ceremony.” “But I can tell you that the king is not allowed to marry a mortal.” “The ceremony is to take your mortality”
Ok wait a second but did she just say I think she said?

“I’m sorry but did you just say take my mortality how in the world are they going to do that?” I said frightened
“well” said Mary”that’s the part I’m not allowed to tell you…..”