Status: work in progress

THE PROPHECY: Nothing is ever black and white

Dream sequence

Ok at this point I was pretty freaked out and scared at the prospect of what this ceremony might include. I mean if it was meant to make me immortal or something it couldn’t be good right? You know what I’m probably just paranoid it’s probably just going to be a lot of pointless chanting and stuff and I will be perfectly fine. But then again…..

I looked at Mary and asked “Mary why can’t you tell me what is going to happen?”

“I believe lord Mikhail does not wish to frighten you, but I promise you that everything will be fine the actual ceremony is quite short it will be over before you know it.” She smiled and led me down the hall into a very large bathroom.

“So what are we doing in here?” I asked “aren’t you supposed to be getting me ready or something?” Mary looked at me and said “You must be purified before the ceremony can take place. The water is what you might call holy water it has been blessed by our most powerful shamans.”

“Ok well that doesn’t sound weird at all…….” I murmured to myself though I am pretty sure Mary heard me because I heard a giggle come from her direction.

“OK now change into this gown and step into the tub” Mary said. Then she lit what I think was sage or something.

“Fine” I sighed and reluctantly changed into the gown she handed me. “But promise me this water won’t turn me into some freaky demon or something”
At this Mary laughed out loud and said “I don’t know where you humans get your ideas from…I promise you its just water it won’t do anything other than purify your body and soul.”
I slowly stepped into the water which was steaming hot but still felt good.

“Ok now for the purification to work you must become completely relaxed and try to stay quiet.” Mary said

“Hey wait what do you mean by TRY to stay quiet?”I exclaimed.
Instead of answering she just put her finger to lips and gave me a stern look.
Surprisingly enough after a few minutes I felt really relaxed and fell into a kind of light sleep. I could have sworn I heard someone chanting from far off and then I was woken up by Mary calling my name.
“Elisabeth the purification is over now it is time to get you dressed for the ceremony” She said
But I thought it wasn’t until tonight?” I asked her confused it doesn’t take that long to get dressed I thought to myself.

“Elisabeth look out the window it is night you were out all day” she replied.
“Damn well I guess that explains the cold water….” “So anyway are you going to tell me about the ceremony now?” I asked giving her puppy eyes.

“You know I cannot Elisabeth.” I sighed frustrated and followed back to the bedroom I was in before where she showed me to a cute little dressing room and brought out a beautiful white dress It was very simple yet elegant.

After changing into the gown Mary did my hair for me it wasn’t anything special she just brushed it out and let it hang down my back, but it suited the dress nicely.

At exactly 8:00 Mikhail walked through the door the second I saw him I was filled with many conflicting emotions ranging from anger and hate to lust and attraction. He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but blush. I quickly caught myself and frowned

“What do you want?” I said

“Oh my sweet little hellfire I have missed that attitude of yours these past hours.” He said
“It is time for the ceremony”

He walked up to me and took my hand if I didn’t hate him so much for making me a prisoner and if he wasn’t a demon I might have thought he was charming and very very handsome, but I did hate him and he was a demon so I didn’t feel that way at all………

He led me down the stairs and way across the house and then took me down another flight of stairs into some kind of medieval looking basement. Where I saw them, there were twenty or so men or demons I can’t really be sure of what they are because they are wearing red hooded robes and I can’t see their faces. Right about now I was getting really scared and starting to think of an escape plan. Then Mikhail turned to me and with a serious expression and said “I hope you will forgive me for this but it must be done.” He put his head down and walked to the back of the room where a throne was and sat down with his head in his hands.

Ok no I was scared out of my mind. Just as I was about to turn and run two more robed guys grabbed me from behind and dragged me to the altar in the middle of the room. I screamed and yelled every curse I knew I begged with Mikhail to let me go “Mikhail please just let me go please I will do anything you want just don’t let them go through with it please.” Mikhail didn’t look up once. I was sobbing by the time they had chained me down. I fought with every ounce of strength I had left in me but it was no use I knew I couldn’t stop whatever was about to happen. Still sobbing I closed my eyes. The last thing I saw was the hooded guys closing to make a tight circle around the altar I was now chained to.

The men In the robes started chanting in some language I didn’t understand going from loud to louder, the chanting seemed to last forever I finally calmed down enough to stop crying and I opened my eyes I immediately wished I hadn’t because I saw that one of the men had moved up right next to the altar and was holding a dagger high above his head I screamed louder than I ever thought was possible as he plunged the dagger into my chest. The pain was so intense I blacked out after a couple seconds.

I opened my eyes to complete darkness I felt completely weightless almost like I was floating then I heard a voice calling me and saw a light in the distance I walked towards and was suddenly blinded by light

when I was finally able to see I saw my parents walking towards me out of the fog. They looked exactly the way I remembered them but they both looked pissed. They stopped right in front of me and my mother looked me up and down and said “You are disgusting, nothing but a filthy demon fucking whore! I regret the day I birthed now more than ever! “How could you disgrace us like this we are your parents we raised you to know monsters for what they really are and know you are running about with demons and werewolves you even gave up your soul for one!

I cried out when she slapped me. My face was stinging I could taste blood in my mouth. I started crying and tried to explain myself but no sound would come out so I cried even harder. My father didn’t say a word but then he didn’t have to his feelings were clearly written all over his face. He turned and walked away before following him my mother spit in my face.
When I could no longer see them I fell to the ground sobbing, I couldn’t believe any of this it had to all be dream. I stood up and started walking I didn’t know where I was going or If I was going anywhere at all no matter how far I walked all I saw was white.

Eventually I saw a huge house surrounded by all the white. After what I had been through I figured it couldn’t hurt so I went in when I walked in I saw a set of stairs directly in front of me so I went up them, I saw a door at the end of the hallway and I walked up to it and I heard a child laughing. I went in the room and saw a little girl who couldn’t have been more than five or six she was laughing and playing with a young man who looked a lot like Mikhail he was chasing her around laughing, they didn’t seem to be able to see me so I just watched them for a minute thinking how cute they both looked.

I heard a noise coming from the hallway and then a group of men busted through the door and tackled Mikhail to the floor the little girl was screaming and Mikhail was yelling and trying to fight his way free. Then one the men stabbed him through the heart with a wicked looking knife and he was instantly paralyzed his eyes were wide open and I could see his anger and surprisingly fear. The little girl ran up to the man who had stabbed Mikhail and turned from cute to kind of scary looking she grew fangs and her eyes turned blood red she started hitting the man but it didn’t do any good he may have been only human but he was more than twice her size and she as just a child. The man backhanded her so hard she flew across the room. I cried out and tried to go to her but I was frozen in place. The men all started laughing and a few of them walked over to the little girl and started kicking her all over. I was appalled and disgusted I knew the girl was a demon but she was just a child and I couldn’t imagine she did anything to deserve this. I yelled at them to stop but it was as if I didn’t exist. Finally they stopped and when I saw the girl I felt sick to my stomach I gagged but nothing came up. She was covered in cuts her face was swollen and there was blood all over her.

The girl wasn’t moving and I was afraid she was dead but then the moved a little and I let out a sigh of relief. The man who had stabbed Mikhail violently yanked her to her feet by her hair and she cried out, I could see tears coming out of Mikhail’s eyes now, The man holding the little girl up laughed darkly pulled her head back and still laughing pulled out a knife and slit her throat. All the men started laughing went her limp body fell to the floor and then one of them took an axe and chopped off her head. The man who I was pretty sure was the leader walked back to Mikhail crouched down to his level and said “We may not be able you demon king but know this we can still destroy everything you hold dear.” And with that he yanked the dagger out of Mikhail’s chest and walked out of the room the rest of the men fooled suit.

I stood there in shock not moving for I don’t know how long and then I saw Mikhail out of the corner of my eye start to drag himself across the floor towards the little girls now lifeless body, he pulled himself into a sitting position and cradled her body to him just rocking back and forth and then they both just vanished and the room I was standing in was empty I turned around and walked back down the stairs and out of the house. I just kept walking until I was too tired to stand and then I collapsed.
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I havent gotten much feedback so far so if you read it let me know what you think and I will be eternally grateful :) :) :)