Status: work in progress

THE PROPHECY: Nothing is ever black and white


It killed me knowing what Elisabeth would soon be going through but at the same time I knew it had to happen I just hoped she wouldn’t hate me for it.

I stopped outside our room and I could hear her laughing and talking with Mary it made me happy to know that she had found a friend here it gave me hope that she would accept her new life with me.

I walked in the room and when Elisabeth looked at me I couldn’t help but smile, she looked so beautiful. To my surprise she actually blushed and smiled back for a second then she quickly reverted back to the frown I had grown used to on her. I sighed

“What do you want?” She said. I smiled and replied “oh my sweet little hellfire how I have missed that attitude of yours these past few hours.” “It is time for the ceremony.”

I approached her and took her hand into mine I gave her my most charming smile and tried not to think of what was to come I tried not to imagine her screaming in pain. I tried not to think of all the other women who didn’t survive the ceremony. I consoled myself by telling myself that she would survive because she was the woman spoken of in the prophecy so she couldn’t die she had to survive. I led her to the room where the ceremony would take place.

I could see the fear in her face when I turned to her and said “I hope you will forgive me for this but it must be done. Then I turned with my head down and walked to my throne and with my head in my hands I sat down.

Two of the men grabbed her and dragged her to the altar when she tried to run. I could hear her screaming and crying begging me to stop them as she was chained down. I couldn’t look up I just couldn’t see her like that. I tried to drown out her screams as the dagger was plunged into her chest, I tried not to imagine the pain she was feeling because I knew it all too well……
Finally I stood up relieved that the ordeal was over that we could finally begin our lives together. Then I realized that something was wrong she hadn’t woken yet, she should have woken up by now I walked up to the altar and stood next to Xavier my head shaman “What happened why isn’t she awake yet?” He just shook his head and said “I have no idea she is alive and I know that the ceremony was a success she is no longer human, but she seems to be in a type of coma.”

I was terrified “Well do something about it don’t just stand there bring her out of it!” I demanded.
“My lord I would if I could but I don’t even know why or how this happened I honestly don’t know how to wake her up this has never happened before.”He looked frightened and then before walking away he said. “We will just have to wait it out and hope she wakes up on her own.”

I looked at her and saw that the beautiful dress that looked so amazing on her was covered in blood and torn. Her face was completely white she looked dead even though I knew she was still alive it killed me to see her like this. I used my powers to fix the tear in her dress and remove the blood from it. I brushed her hair out of her face and picked her up bridal style I carried her up to our room and put her on the bed. I summoned Mary and instructed her to change her into something more comfortable. I left the room while Mary was changing her because I knew she would be angry if she knew I had seen her naked I smiled and tried to imagine what she would say if she thought I had I could hear her yelling at me and calling me a pervert and a bastard.

When I knew that she was fully clothed again I went back to her bedside pulled up a chair and sat down. I swore to myself I would not leave her bedside until she woke up.
It had been two days since the night of the ceremony and Elisabeth had not awoken yet, not going back on my promise I hadn’t left her side yet. I heard someone knock on the door and knew it was Mary “you may come in Mary” I said. She came in the room and stood by my side “Has there been any change yet my lord?” She asked. I shook my head no and she sighed then said “You need to eat something and get some rest I can sit with Mary till the morning.”
“No I will stay with her, it’s my fault she is this way.” I said to her.
“My lord you cannot keep blaming yourself you did what you had to do you could not have known this would happen. There is nothing you can do for her right now all you can do is take care of yourself and your people and hope she wakes up.”
I knew she was right but I could not bring myself to leave her.
“My lord please for me just go rest for a few hours and I promise you I will sit here and not move until you return.” She begged
Finally I gave in and left the room I knew that Mary would stay with her as she had promised. I ate a little something and laid down in one of the guest rooms for a few hours of sleep.

Poor Elisabeth Mary thought to herself she didn’t deserve this she was such a sweet girl. I hope she wakes up soon I don’t what will happen to Mikhail it she doesn’t pull through this he had already lost so much in his life and he had been waiting for Elisabeth for almost 400 years. If she dies he will never be able to marry another. He would have to spend the rest of his days alone.
Around noon the next day Mikhail walked back in the room and sent Mary to bed. Once Mary had left he sat down next to Elisabeth on the bed. She had a little more color in her face today but was still very pale. He took her hand into his and just watched her sleeping.

Elisabeth woke up in extreme pain and inhaled deeply. She heard someone say her name but they sounded far off. When she opened her eyes she saw she was back in Mikhail’s room in his bed and Mikhail was sitting beside her holding her hand looking shocked. Suddenly it all came back to her she remembered the ceremony she remembered the dream world she had been lost in for days she remembered seeing Mikhail’s little sister murdered. Enraged I reached up and slapped Mikhail as hard as I could which was a lot harder than I thought possible.
“How could you let them do that to me!!!!!?” I screamed.

Mikhail still in shock just sat there.
“What you don’t have anything to say not even I’m sorry that I let a crazy man stab you through the heart Elisabeth?” “You know what you are such an ass!!!” I screamed at him.
Then I thought of what I had seen in that house. I reached up and put my hand against his face then I pushed his shirt aside and saw the evidence that what I saw had not been my imagination it had really happened and he had a horrible looking scar right over his heart.
Then I pulled him to me and put my arms around him holding him as tight as I could. I cried for the man who lost his little sister in such a violent way, I cried for the little girl who lost her life at such a young age and most of all I cried for the life I knew I could never go back to. I cried for what seemed like forever. Mikhail just laid against me just letting me hold him and I could have sworn he was crying too.

She was awake I couldn’t believe it I was in shock. I could have screamed for joy when she started yelling at me I was just so happy that she was ok. But then surprisingly she just stopped and looked at me with a sorrowful look. She laid her hand on my cheek and then she pushed aside my shirt and put her hand on the scar I got on the worst day of my life. I don’t know how but somehow I got the feeling she knew how I had gotten the scar and when she started crying and hugged me to her it was all I could do not to break down and cry. She held me close for the longest time until she finally stopped crying and I pulled away to sit up straight.
I called Mary into the room and asked her to bring Elisabeth up something to eat. Then I left the room shaken to my core it bothered me that Elisabeth knew what had happened that she had seen his vulnerable side.
Elisabeth sat up in bed once Mary walked in with her tray. I started eating and listened to Mary tell her what had been going on the past few days. I couldn’t believe it but apparently Mikhail had been by her side the entire time. Maybe Mikhail wasn’t all that bad I thought to myself……
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