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Nessa Rivka Streiff was born to be killed. She was bred, and came into a world where the pestillence of inhumanity would murder her spirit, and soon after, the disease of the immoral would murder her body.

Gerard Arthur Way was born to kill. He was bred, and came into a world where the definition of war was not the border line. War was an art, and to his father, it would be the paint he used against the Axis.

Tzeitel Adena Streiff was watching her daughter, her youngest child, grow taller, and more beautiful by the second. With every inch her curls grew, Nessa seemed to grow more intelligent.

Amos Elkanah Streiff was seeing his child for the first time in a new life. She was now a lady, and every second, she moved one step from him, closer to the embrace of her American soldier.
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    Gerard's Point of View.
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