Blood Candy

A Warning In Blood

“Rukia Quincie Kuchiki? Come here, now!” A voice shouts. Rukia, a white wolf with shiny green eyes comes running up to the voice. She transforms back into a human.

“What is it, mom?” Rukia questions as she stands up, and brushes her bang out of her face. Her mother glares at her.

“Rukia, are you responsible for this?” Rukia’s mom demands while pointing to the dead body lying in the living room. Rukia looks at it for a moment before confusion covers her face.

“WHAT? No!” Rukia shouts with a defensive tone. All of a sudden, two other wolves come running up. One is a pitch black one while the other is a brown with white markings. “Kanashii! Kayame!” Rukia says while smiling. The two wolves transform into humans and run up to hug her.

“Hey Rukia!” The brown one called Kayame says while she bounces on her heals as she lets Rukia go.

“Hiya, Rukia!” Kanashii says with a grin on her face as she also lets go of Rukia.

“Hi, friends! Yuh know what? My mother just accused me of killing this man.” Rukia says with a serious look on her face as she points down to the man. They all turn to look at her mother.

“What! No, I didn’t ACCUSE you, honey! I just asked if you had anything to do with it.” Rukia’s mom says as an insulted look covers her face.

“WHATever.” Rukia says, rolling her eyes as she turns back to her friends.

“That’s why we came over. We heard that there was a dead body dropped off in your living room while everyone was away!” Kayame says as her bounciness suddenly disappears and a serious look covers her face. Rukia turns to her mother with an I-told-you-so look.

“See?!?!?! I told you that I had nothing to do with it!” Rukia says, looking pointedly at her mother. All of a sudden, two girls come running in the door. “Sakura! Rin!” Rukia says, looking at them with a mixture of surprise and happiness.

“Hey, Rukia! We heard what happened.” Sakura says, before noticing the body. She stares at it for a moment before looking back up at Rukia.

“We came as fast as we could.” Rin says with an exhausted look on her face as she elbow’s Sakura.

“We still have no idea who the dead person is or where he came from.” Kanashii says, looking at the two of them with a blank look on her face.

“Well, Kakashi and Kurenai are on their way.” Sakura says to no one in particular since she had gone back to staring at the body.

“So is Sesshomaru!” Rin says, suddenly full of energy as she jumps up and down while clapping her hands.

“Hahahahaha Sesshomaru! I haven’t seen him in FOREVER!” Rukia says as a grin covers her face, current situation forgotten. All of a sudden, Sesshomaru, Kakashi and Kurenai walk in. Rukia runs up and practically jumps on Sesshomaru as she hugs him. “Hi Sesshy! It’s been so long!” she says, excitement evident in her voice.

“Yes, it has. Hi, Rukia.” Sesshomaru says in (surprisingly) a happy voice.

“Holy crap!” Kakashi shouts, cutting in to the moment.

“What is it, Kakashi?” Sakura asks, looking at him with confusion before looking in the direction he’s looking, only to see the body.

“I know who the dead person is!” Kakashi says in a sure voice as he turns to look at the others.

“Really? Who?” Kanashii asks, looking at Kakashi with a look of confusion and interest.

“He’s an Uchiha by the name of Kyo. He’s nineteen and used to attend the Ninja Academy. He graduated when he was nine and is very skilled. I can’t image anyone killing him very easily.” Kakashi says with a note of finality to his voice. Everyone turns back to look at the body. All of a sudden, Renji, Toshiro, Byakuya, Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, Kirara, Kikyo and Kanna walk in.

“We came as soon as we heard, Kanashii.” Kikyo says, looking at one of her best friends with serious eyes.

“Kikyo! Kanna! Hi!” Kanashii says with a smile before it disappears.

“Holy crap! That’s my cousin! He’s dead?” Kikyo shouts with wide eyes as she looks at the dead body.

“He’s my cousin too, sister.” A voice says from behind them. They all turn to see …

“ITACHI!” Kikyo shouts, glaring at her brother.

“Cousin and old friend. I can’t believe he’s dead.” Itachi says with a sad note to voice. Everyone look at him strangely.

“Itachi. Murder suspect #1.” Kakashi says, putting a finger to his chin as he thinks. Itachi glares at him

“I’m not the ONLY one that’s a suspect, you know. It could have been one of the people standing in this room.

“But it wasn’t.” Rukia says with complete confidence.

“May I ask how you know this, little sister?” Byakuya questions, looking at Rukia with unsure eyes.

“I can sense it. It wasn’t Itachi, nor was it anyone else in this room.” Rukia says as her eyebrows furrow in concentration

“All…...right?” Kanashii mutters, looking at Rukia with confused eyes.

“Forget what Rukia said. EVERYONE in this room is a suspect as of … NOW.” Kakashi says, glaring at Rukia for interrupting him.

“Even you?” Sakura asks, looking at Kakashi with unsure eyes.

“No! Not me!” Kakashi says, glaring at Sakura for even saying that. Everyone looks at him for a moment.

“Well, that’s not very fair! You could be the killer and no one would know cuz you just considered yourself NOT a suspect!” Kanashii says, walking forward with anger in her eyes. Kakashi merely rolls his eyes.

“Fine, fine. I’m a SUSPECT too then.” Kakashi says, taking a step away from Kanashii, who grin at the small victory.

“And Kakashi, do you think it’s fair to consider Rin a suspect? Or Shippo or Kirara?” Rukia asks, noting the younger ones of the room’s occupants.

“…..I suppose you’re right. But everyone ELSE is a suspect. Konoha police will start on an investigation immediately. Rukia, you and your parents should be on the alert. I will send some officers later this afternoon.” Kakashi says, looking at Rukia with a confident look on his face.

“All right.” Rukia says, looking at Kakashi like he’s lost his mind. She rolls her eyes as she leans down and pet Kirara between the ears. All of a sudden, a scream is heard.

“WHAT THE HELL!” Kayame shouts in a horrified voice.

“Rin!” Sesshomaru shouts. Everyone runs to the spot where they heard Rin scream.

“What happened, Rin?” Kayame asks, looking at the terrified child. Her face is pale and her mouth is hanging open. She points to the wall. Written in blood are the words YOU’RE NEXT, KUCHIKI. Rukia gasps

“No!” Rukia mutters, her breath suddenly abandoning her. Renji runs over and hugs her, forcing her to put her face against his chest.

“It’s all right, honey. We won’t let the killer hurt you.” Renji says with pure conviction in his voice as he glares at the wall.

“That message wasn’t there before, was it?” Inuyasha asks, looking at the message with worry. Everyone’s quiet for a moment, thinking about whether they had seen it there when they arrived or not.

“No…..” Rukia mutters, a look of horror coming to her face.

“IT’S GOTTA BE someone in this room.” Inuyasha says, looking at everyone in turn. Rukia looks at Inuyasha.

“Not necessarily. They could have come in the back, written the message, and easily been gone before anyone found the message.” Rukia says, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

“Wow, Rukia, you REALLY don’t want it to be someone in this room!” Inuyasha says, looking at Rukia with surprised eyes.

“No! Well, I just don’t want to jump to conclusions!” Rukia says, looking at the wall again with serious eyes.

“All right, Rukia. I’m going to go now, but Kurenai will stay. Some officers will be out later this afternoon, like I said.” Kakashi says as he walks toward the door with a determined look on his face. Rukia nods, not even sparing him a look.

“All right, thanks Kakashi.” Rukia says in a faraway voice.

“No problem, Rukia.” Kakashi says with a wave before leaving, along with everyone else except Renji, Toshiro, Byakuya, Kanashii and Kayame.

“Oh, screw this. I’m a frikken wolf for god’s sake! And Byakuya’s a DRAGON dammit!” Rukia shouts after a moment of silence as she throws her arms in the air in irritation.

“We’re wolves too!” Kanashii and Kayame say, walking up next to Rukia, and placing a hand each on her shoulder.
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Well, this is rainbowdrugs's called Blood Candy and well, I can't really say anything else about it ^.^,
RyK & KcA