Dear God, the Only Thing I Ask of You Is to Hold Her When I'm Not Around

I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year.

The night of the twins birthday was the best night of Zora and Addison's life. They went to the greatest restaurant, and danced the night away at some night club the girls insisted they go to. All the while the smiles that were on their faces never once dropping, only growing from ear to ear. Matt Sanders couldn't have been happier either, he had the girl he had always dreamed of on his arm. To say the least their night was amazing and everyone got drunk.

Looking back on that night a week later, only two days before his best friends birthday now, Brian. Matthew Sanders didn't know a week from that day his life would be turned upside down, looking in front of him at his exes shaking form.

All the A7X band sat stunned as Valary Dibenedetto sobbed going on with her story as she whipped her running eyes with a tissue. "I just don't want the two younger girls to know, I mean I have nothing against them I just don't feel comfortable with them knowing." The only thing everyone could do was nod their head. Of course Val had something against the twins, since the day she saw them she thought of them as a threat.

The two now eighteen year old girls were on their tour bus as they were fallowing the Avenged bus to Florida.

"How far along are you?" Gena being the only sensible one at that moment voiced her question. "I think about two months." Val whispered.

Everyone once again just nodded their heads as the two happy go lucky twins were in ever body's thoughts. "I think it would be the in the best interest for everyone if we just didn't talk to the twins until the tour is over so Matt can forget about Zora and concentrate about his family." Michelle said as she rubbed her sisters back soothingly.

"You can't tell us not to talk to the twins." Jimmy stated as he glared at the two older twins knowing all to well something was up. Matt shook his head "I'm sorry I cant do that." the lead singer said as he finally looked up looking at Val who shook her head back. "Please guy's this is the only thing I'm asking. I mean for god sakes I'm pregnant!" Val shouted as another sob racked her body. Matt sighed "Fine, guys she's right." Matthew said turning to his band who looked stunned at their lead singer. Jimmy who balled up his fist.

"No those girls did nothing wrong! They shouldn't be treated like this." He stated glaring at Matt. "Man, please it will make everything easy." Matt said rubbing his temple, Jimmy only sighed standing up and walked back to the bunks mumbling a 'whatever' as Lena scurried right behind him trying to calm her fiance down.

Addison and Zora were sitting on their bus writing Tonya the longest e-mail they could. Well Addison writing Zora popping her head over her sisters shoulder every now and then to put her input into the e-mail or stating something else that happened as Zora sat with her eyes locked on the T.V.
Both girls came tumbling off the couch as their bus driver got up laughing "We're here girls" Max, their bus driver said as he got off the bus. Zora rubbing her eyes as she looked around. "Sound check!" They heard Mark screech, both girls realized early on in the tour they hated Mark's voice, very much. Both girls got off the bus floor and dragged themselves off the bus, Zora looked around until she saw the person she was looking for "Matty!" Zora yelled running over to the band as they exited their bus.

"Hi!" She said trying to hug Matt as he just walked past her. "Matt?" She whispered as he kept on walking. "Jimmy, whats wrong with Matt?" Zora asked as she looked at the tall drummer who just to ignored her, but having a harder time. Jimmy wanted to hug Zora and tell her he was so sorry, he wanted to just make his best friend happy, but he couldn't Matt had been his best friend for years and he was gonna respect Matt's wishes.

"Jimmy?" Zora asked as she tried to catch up to him only to have a hand on her shoulder. "Let them go." Val sneered as she walked off the bus and then jogged to catch up with Matt as she wrapped her arms around his waist, Matt not even pushing her off. Val turned around smirking at Zora as everyone got off the bus walking right past Zora not even bothering to acknowledge her.

"Whats going on?" Addison asked as she walked up to her sister, "I think I did something wrong." Zora whispered as she turned to Addison tears welled up in the blond twins eyes. Addison immediately wrapped her arms around her sister hugging her.

"You didn't do anything." Addison soothed her sister, Johnny watched from a far with Lacey right on his arm "I can't believe we're gonna put these poor girls through hell just because of that slut." Johnny said shaking his head as he walked into the venue. "Somethings up." Jimmy whispered to his shorter friend as both men walked into the venue.

Through the whole sound check Zora kept trying to talk to them all, only to be ignored. Addison watched soon anger taking over her small body. Once sound check was over Addison grabbed Brian's larger arm and pulled him to the corner. "Why the hell is everyone ignoring, Zora?" Addison asked crossing her arms over his chest. Brian only looked to the side to see everyone staring at the two as he opened his mouth then closed it soon enough walking away from Addison. "What the hell, Brian!" Addison yelled as she watched the built man walk away from her.

Zora walked up to Jimmy "Jimbo? What did I do?" Zora questioned with tears in her eyes. Jimmy only looking at the small girl, regret all through his body. "Zora, you look pathetic, just leave him alone." Michelle spat from the merch stand. Zora only turned around then back to Jimmy who didn't even look at her this time. Zora walked off with her face in hands as Addison wrapped an arm around her shoulder's leading her out to the bus.

"What...Did...I...Do..?" Zora said in between gasps as she cried. Addison only shaking her head as she rubbed her sisters back. "Nothing." Addison whispered as she and her sister entered their bus. Addison holding onto her sister the whole time she cried.

Zora's heart was broken, she liked Matt, as in REALLY liked him, she could never stop thinking about him and he gave her the best feelings she's ever had. It may have only been a couple weeks but Matt was soon her number one and she cherished every moment they spent together.
Jimmy also had hurt both the girl's heart's he was like their older brother but now he wouldn't even glance their way.
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Wooohoo! short update, I know. Next chapter should be out in an hour :)
Sad, but its gonna get soo much better lol.
OH! go read her story! its amazing!
Burning it down all the way to Bat country