Dear God, the Only Thing I Ask of You Is to Hold Her When I'm Not Around

If you lie you don't deserve to have friends.

That week was horrible for Zora, Michelle and Val had came over the night before Brian's birthday and uninvited the twins to go out with them, The band told Mark they couldn't do sound check when the twins were around. So now Zora was sitting on stage having Mark yell at her, for once in her life Zora was about to disrespect an adult and Addison wasn't going to do a thing about it, she was just as annoyed as her sister.

"Listen her tubby!" Zora yelled standing up. "Why don't you get your fat ass up here and try to sing." Zora said crossing her arms as she stalked off the stage, "I quit!" Zora yelled as the tears that came every day since the band ignored her started to fall down her pale cheeks.

Since that day Zora tried her hardest to talk to Matt, being turned down every time, so she just gave up the third day.

"If she quits so do I." Addison said as she walked off stage right behind her sister. Mark stood there stunned by the twins outburst. Since day one they have been nothing but nice and now, they weren't. "You can't quit!" Mark yelled as she waddled right after them outside where the guys were playing a game of baseball, waiting for their sound check. At the sound of Mark's yelling they all stopped in place. "Girls! come on, I didn't mean to yell" Mark tried to rationalize with them. Zora got onto the bus as Addison turned around. "Mark, this tour is breaking my sister down, we quit." Addison said calmly as she walked onto the bus and shut the door.

Jimmy watched stunned as he stood with the ball in his hand as Mark sighed walking away from the buses. "This is getting out of control." Lacey said standing up and walking towards the girl's bus. "What are you doing?" Matt asked as he watched his friends girlfriend knock on the girl's bus.

"What should have been done a long ass time ago." Lacey stated as she walked onto the bus not caring if the twins didn't want her there or not. "You guys cant quit this tour." She said looking at the two girls sitting on the couch, both only shrugging "We know, we signed a contract." Addison stated in a monotone. "Yeah, now will you please leave, you guys wanna ignore us? Well we can ignore you too." Zora said crossing her arms childishly.

Lacey sighed "Girls listen-" She started. "Just leave!" Zora shouted looking at Lacey, obviously pissed off. Lacey quickly walked off the bus having the whole A7X stare at her. "They know they cant quit, but I guess the sad phase is over, they're pissed." Lacey said walking back over to the fold up chair she recently had been sitting on.

It was true, Zora wasn't as sad anymore, she was still sad but now she was more pissed off and she thought she could play their little games.

Soon enough Mark had walked onto the bus telling them they couldn't quit and they gave the same answer they gave Lacey. "Yo, Tubby. shut your eatery, we know we cant quit." Addison said.

Mark was shocked "What has gotten into you two? you guys have never been this disrespectful ever." He said shaking his head as he walked off the bus.

Both girls got ready for the concert, soon when they were ready they started to walk towards the venue only to see Michelle and Val walking towards them obviously in a heated debate. Addison quickly covered her sisters mouth pulling her into a shadowy corner to hear the two girls "Val, what are you gonna do when you get back to California and Matt finds out there's no baby?" Michelle whispered harshly to her sister. "He's not gonna find out, were gonna have sex soon, I just know it." Val stated smiling proud of her self. Michelle only shook her head walking away from her sister.

Zora pulled her sisters hand off of her face. "What the hell?" Zora whispered as Addison started to walk towards the venue once more. "She's faking being pregnant that's why no one will talk to us?!" Zora yelled as her face started to turn red. Addison didn't say anything as she had her arms crossed over her chest. "Well, we're gonna expose that fake." Addison said as her and Zora entered the room the band was in, all eyes on them as her and Zora made their way over towards the unoccupied sofa. "How?" Zora whispered looking at her sister.

As usual everyone stared at the twins as they sat alone talking to one another, the whole band wanted to go talk to them, tell them the stories of what has happened. Matt just wanted to huge the petite blond twin and tell her how sorry he was, how stupid he is. But he couldn't he had to now concentrate on the life that was now inside the woman he disliked.

Brian wanted to go kiss Addison and beg her to give him a chance, but now this whole bullshit is going on Addison will probably never give him a chance.

Jimmy wanted to run over to the girls and tell them about his new drum solo and hug both of them,he wanted to be the big brother they never had he wanted to just make sure they were protected and happy, but he couldn't do that if he was the one hurting them

Johnny and Zacky couldn't stop looking at the girls, they both felt guilty they felt horrible. Two innocent girls who have been nothing but nice to them, they were hurting for some whore who just wanted Matt and take all his money. Those two girls on the couch were there friends.

Each band member stared at the girls as they looked back Addison leaning over and whispering something in Zora's ear. All the guys looked in wonder as to what she was saying. Soon enough the most diabolical smirk was on Zora's face, this only deepened the curiosity in all the grown men.
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Ooooh the plane is gonna be amazing. :) next chapter should be out tonight or early tomorrow hopefully! :D I'm sleepy lol.