Dear God, the Only Thing I Ask of You Is to Hold Her When I'm Not Around

Yet know one knew...

It had been a week or so since their mothers funeral, both Addison and Zora had to speak. Addison having to get up on stage and hold her sisters sobbing form as she spoke. It had only been a day or so since they posted that video. It was around noon when both girls walked in the house dropping their backpacks, they had refused to take a week or so off school, they had their friends there to keep both of their minds off things. Zora and Addison weren't the most popular girls, yet they weren't the outcast's. Some of the cliche popular girls teased them for almost dressing a like always, but it was never their fault they didn't realize half the time when they left the house they were matching, after a while it just came natural to have different color shirt but the same outfit or some sort.

Zora looked down as she heard her stomach growl, "Jeesh,Zee." Addison teased jokingly as she walked into the kitchen her sister poking her tongue out at her as she trailed behind her making a bee line right for the refrigerator as soon as her foot made contact with the kitchen hard wood floor. Addison sat herself down on one of the bar stools looking around, it would be an hour or so when her little cousins got home from middle school.

Zora had pulled out a buffet of foods as she started to make herself something to eat, both girls only being around the height of 5'4 and a half and very petite taking after their mother they both could eat like two grown men who had been starving for years.
After Zora had made the biggest sand which she could she piled different types of chips and sorts onto the plate as she grabbed it and grabbed a water heading towards the door as her sister soon fell into step after her, after grabbing something to make her dry mouth go away.

There is one thing you will soon learn about both girls, they could never be separated from each other, the longest they've ever gone is being in separate classes then one another at school.When people say "Twins are one person" its true to them because without the other it feels like a part of them is missing.

Once both upstairs Zora sat on the bed crossing her legs like a child in first grade would do for story time. Addison sat at the computer turning it on as she waited she looked at the bed to see her sister watching 'Flap jack' and giggling like a five year old, another reason why Addison always felt to act like she was ten years older than her sister and take care of her is because she had a severe case of ADHD when she didn't take her pills she would freak out and that reaction would send her into a bad asthma attack, the only reason Zora was like that because when their mother was giving birth Zora had issues with her lungs when she came out which gave her asthma, no one knows why or how she has ADHD but it just makes her sister adore her even more. At that thought Addison felt a smile tug at both sides of her full pink lips, she hadn't lost her entire family she still had her sister and now this was her only family.

Zora stuffed the sand which into her mouth and after a few quick big bites it was gone, soon coming the mountain high pile of chips as she watched 'Flap Jack' laughing at everything the little cartoon character said even if it wasn't funny to any one else Zora found it hilarius.

The room was in a comfortable silence the only thing being heard was the clicking of the mouse and the squeaky cartoon characters voice. Addison logged into everything she had:My space,Face book,E-mail,Aim. Everything.

Zora had climbed off the bed as she put the plate on the night stand next to their bed as she walked over and pulled up the stool and sat next to Addison quickly snatching the wireless keyboard from her.
"Hey!" Addison said glaring at her sister. Zora only shrugged her shoulders "Times up." she stated having her blue orbs locked onto the computer screen as she went to you tube "Now, lets see how many haters we have" Zora mumbled as she logged in and quickly pressed the new comment button as it sent the page straight to their newest video of them singing.
Both girls scanned the screen looking around for any rude comments so they could delete.
"So far so good" Addison stated and leaned back into the computer chair crossing her arms over her chest. "Eh...."Zora mumbled "No one.."she said in shock as she started to scroll down more now just reading the comments

Any avenged sevenfold fan can agree when i say this, You two are amazing. I thought you two were funny as fuck, but this... is just astounding, you two have amazing voices. Zora, you can belt out a note.

Zora instantly had a smile as big as her face would let her have one as she read it Addison also smiling. Addison was never much of a singer she would always be back up for her sister but all in all it never bothered her, she looked next to the comment realizing it had over five hundred green thumbs up voted next to it. "Holy mother of a son of a gun" Zora whispered as she quickly scrolled up looking at the views


"Wow..." Both girls gasped at the same time as Zora scrolled back down reading one last comment.

U 2 were crying... ): I think this is one of the most amazing videos ever posted on youtube..

"Its only been a day!" Zora said in a high pitched voice shaking her head "Usually it takes about two weeks for us to even get two thousand views, and AT LEAST fifty comments!" She said handing back the key board back. she sighed and pulled off the grey hat that sat in the middle of her head letting her blond bangs hang forward and the rest of her hair fall behind her to her elbows.

Addison sat there in shock reading the rest of the comments "Wow... none of these are bad. How is this possible? Half the time ninety nine percent of our comments of people being horribly rude to us, saying how we're both dumb, and you have some mental problem." she stated matter-of-factly. Addison kept reading through, letting her blue eyes well up at some of the comments never realizing how many people have actually lost someone they love in the war.

Zora grabbed her drum sticks from the side table and sat down on the bed zoning out as she started to tap her knee's, both of Zora's drum sticks had been painted a different color, one was a fiery red and the other was a neon green it didn't match but the girl liked it that way.

Addison inwardly sighed as she pressed the red X in the top corner watching the screen disappear as she just sat there on aim for the rest of the time until her aunt came home and called both of them downstairs to eat.

Zora carelessly tossed her drum sticks on the bed and walked out of the room pulling her thick hair into a messy bun then putting it down, she repeated this process a couple times. Addison noticed this and raised a plucked eyebrow knowing her sister was thinking really hard or nervous about something, just shrugging it off Addison stalked her way out of the bedroom right behind her sister.
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Please,Please,PLEASE! comment. this is my first ever fan fic and so far I like it, but its what you guys think! :) I don't have a picture of what I want the girls to look like but hopefully I will soon.