Dear God, the Only Thing I Ask of You Is to Hold Her When I'm Not Around


Avenged Sevenfold POV

Mark was the manger of Avenged Sevenfold and had been for years after Matt's previous girlfriend Val. Mark had been on the computer since they were now all getting ready for the summer tour to start in about two weeks. Mark was looking at all the venue's he had booked the guys after a while of looking at his e-mail and such he looked around making sure none of the guys were around the studio and grabbed the post-it that was stashed some where in his folder with the log in info for the you tube account, Mark quickly signed in and looked at the profile comments.

He waited for it to load taking his glasses off and whipped the top of his for head. You see Mark wasn't sweating because he was scared one of the guys would see him on THEIR you tube account, no Mark was a heavy set man, the most exercise he got was when he was walking up the stairs at venues. even then he got lazy and grabbed a golf cart and drove it up the side ramp.
The slow computer finally loaded Mark placed his glasses back on the bridge of his nose and started reading the comments,soon enough he came to the second page after all the 'I love you' comments the guys got. He started reading the second page and soon found himself with every comment having the same link in it almost saying the same thing 'you have to check them out!' Mark being his nosy self clicked one of the many links and sure enough Zora and Addison popped up on the computer, Mark pressed the side ways triangle 'Play' button.

Mark didn't see anything special about two girls taking a deep breath, the only thing interesting to him was they were twins. Soon enough he watched as Addison's small fingers started to dance across the neck of the guitar just like Brian's had in the video. Mark raised an eyebrow and suddenly became interested, he'd watched many you tube videos of girls and boys trying to sing a a7x song. When the song had ended Mark's eyes were wide and he felt his bottom lip tremble as he shook his head "You're a grown man, you don't cry when you see two teenagers sing" Mark whispered harshly to himself. Mark clicked the main link leading to their homepage and looked at where they put where they lived about two hours away from Huntington in a small richy town.

Mark felt a grin speared across his lips and a thought struck him 'If so many fans love them, why not have them come with them?' it was unheard of and the guys sure as hell would object to it. I mean two teenage girls, but the more tickets sold out the more money Mark made. He grinned and looked at the clock 8:30 "time to wake up" he whispered as he dialed Matt's cell phone number after the forth ring Mark was about to hang up and call someone else when a raspy annoyed voice answered "What!" Matt said into the phone "pick any of guys up off your floor and call the rest we're going to see two very special people today." Mark said in a monotone and hung up Mark knew it was weird, and stalker-ish but he had to do it, he needed the money in this horrible economy.

He got the e-mail and IP address and set to work. Mark was a computer geek, a fat, homely computer geek. After about an hour the door slammed open and in came the infamous Avenged Sevenfold just as Mark hung up the phone with the girls aunt who agreed to a meeting before the two got out of school.

"What the fuck is this about" Jimmy stated harshly as he rubbed his head with his hand black sunglasses on his face looking at Mark clearly hung over.
"Everyone in the van,now" Mark stated grabbing the keys and piece of paper with the address on it walking out to the four row seated van and he climbed his pudgy body into the front seat, once again taking his glasses off and whipping his 'brow. Soon came the guys, Matt in the front, Brian and Zacky in the Second Row with Jimmy in the third and Johnny laying down in the fourth. Mark started the car and started down the freeway of PCH.

"What the hell is this about Mark?" Matt asked in annoyed voice "We might have two girls come with us on tour" Mark stated keeping his eyes locked on the road. "Really?" Brian asked he could see the smirk on his face now without even looking, Mark shook his head and kept driving.

It was around 11:47 when Avenged Sevenfold and manger arrived pulling up to a two story brick house.
"This looks like something you'd see in a Disney movie" Jimmy said as Mark parked the car and unbuckled getting out "Lets go ladies" Mark said as he started to waddle up the front brick steps towards the house. Once up at the door breathing rather heavily he looked back and saw the guys finally getting out of the car, with a roll of his tiny squinted eyes he knocked on the door.

After a minute or two the door opened reveling a woman in her late thirty's,early forties with a black bob cut and piercing green eyes. "Ah, you must be Mark" The woman stated whipping her hands on a dishrag then swung it over so it hung off one shoulder as she shook his hand "I'm Tonya, the girls aunt" she stated with the warmest smile Mark has ever seen on any woman who talked to him "It's nice to meet you, and that's-" he pointed with his large chubby thumb over his shoulder "Is the band" Mark said as the lady stepped aside "Please come in, the girls should be home soon."

Tonya said as she smiled warmly as she welcomed all the guys in introducing herself as she led them to the dinning room where she had bottles of water and snacks all laid out. The guys instantly took to this and sat down as Tonya sat at the head of the table and Mark at the other end, Jimmy Johnny,Zacky on the right side, Matt,and Brian on the left. "The girls should be home soon" Tonya stated as she looked up at the clock smiling. Mark saw the smirk come across Matt and Brian's face. Even if Brian was in a relationship he still thought it was okay to flirt and look as long as he didn't touch. Matt had been single now for over a year and a half so he was ready to get back into the game.
Normal POV
Zora walked down the outside hallway of her school as twirled the red drumstick around her finger with the ear buds of her ipod mini in her ears blasting as loud as they would go
'One of THOSE nights' by The Cab. She walked into Addison's last class and pulled out an ear bud smiling brightly "Lets go, sissy" she said with a smile still on her face.

It took a lot to bring Zora down, she was always happy she never wanted to be sad, she never found a reason for being sad, she knew even though her mother was gone she would want her to stay the same and not change a bit.

Addison looked up at her sister and smiled "I'm staying after for film class, so you can go home and I'll see you there" Addison said as she picked up her back pack and put it on so the straps were on both her shoulders evenly and grabbed her slim silver video camera.
Zora shrugged her shoulders and walked out of the classroom putting the white ear bud back into her ear as she walked out of the huge school and down the side walk to her new house.
After a couple minutes Zora unlocked the front door with the key that was on a necklace around her neck and walked in not bothering to take out an ear bud "HOME! Addie isn't here!" Zora yelled making her way into the kitchen.

At the sound of a females voice Jimmy looked around looking for her. They had been talking about the twins and what had happened to their mother. the girls interest and what instrument they play. Jimmy instantly took a liking to Zora hearing she loved the drums and how hyper she could get. Tonya stood up smiling and then looked around the smile fading as she rushed to her purse pulling the inhaler out as she set it on the table.

The guys looked at it dumb founded at the older woman, she hadn't told them about Zora's asthma problem because she knew Zora didn't like people knowing. Zora kept a hold on her drumstick as she pulled out a small bottle of water and took the lid off, she looked around pulling her ipod out and the ear buds pushing the pause button as she set it on the counter along with the water and pulled the other drumstick out of her back pocket as it stood straight up. "Aunt Tee?" she questioned.

Tonya sat back at the table "In here sweetie!" she yelled smiling once more. "Cover your ears." she instructed the men as they looked questionably at her "Just do it" they obeyed her and did as told. Zora entered the dinning room and looked at the table. "Oh my...." the last word never left her mouth because the words were replaced with highest pitched scream Zora could muster up out of her tiny body. Even with their ears covered they could still hear Zora's loud voice. Soon enough she was done screaming and breathing heavily.

"YOU'RE AVENGED SEVENFOLD!" she squealed dropping her drumsticks jumping up and down clapping her hands together. Jimmy uncovered his ears and picked up the drumsticks as they rolled and looked at them grinning "these are colored! so cool!" he said like a teenager, at this Zora stopped jumping and looked at him "I know right!" she said dropping her backpack to the ground rushing over to him "I did it myself" she stated proud of her self as she smiled "I'm Zora!" she half yelled smiling at him."Wow even sitting down you're still a beast" she said bluntly looking at him then the rest of them.

"Hi!" she said snatching her drumsticks back as her breathing started to get heavy and slow. At this point Tonya got up and held the inhaler out for Zora so she could take it and wrapped her full pink lips around it pushing it down twice inhaling it. Once Zora knew she would be okay she put it back on the table and pulled a chair up next to Jimmy smiling "You're like a god!" she stated looking at him in envy as she held her drumsticks. A cough was heard as she looked a cross the table "You're M.Shadows! she said smiling more brightly, hot damn!' she said chewing on her bottom lip.

"Wait!" Zora yelled just as Tonya was about to say something. "Why are you here? not that I don't like you being here. I mean it's amazing I get to meet you guys, you're one of my favorite bands-" Zora's words were cut off as her aunt's hand wrapped around her mouth, even with a hand on her mouth Zora kept talking away, Jimmy was impressed smiling brightly and Brain just stared in amusement and Matt grinned. "WHAT!" Johnny yelled looking at them "I think she busted a ear drum!" Johnny yelled rubbing his pinky finger in his ear.

Ignoring the bassist Matt asked the question the other band mates wants to"Yeah,Mark,Why are we here?" Matt asked his chubby manager looking at him.Tonya spoke up for him "We'll tell you guys when Addison gets here, which should be soon." She said smiling keeping a hand on her nieces mouth as she kept talking still.
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This chapter is okay, I could have done A LOT better but eh. Comments please! and this is what I think the girls would look like.
Same girl, diffrenet hair color. Thats what I picture them to look like. Twins,remember! identical :)
More updates tomorrow. Good night my fellow mibbains<3