Dear God, the Only Thing I Ask of You Is to Hold Her When I'm Not Around

Nervous habits die hard.

Addison had been in her after school film class for over a half hour before she got up gathering her things and walking out. There is one thing everyone knew about Addison, she always wanted to be a director where ever Addison was, her camera was in her hand filming anything and everything, that's what got the girls into the you tube scene was because of Addison's obsession for filming. Addison put her backpack on and started her short walk back to her Aunt's house not really expecting anything to change or.. be waiting for her.

Zora had soon calmed down but was still talking with Jimmy a mile a minute, Jimmy being his hyper self caught every word and talked back equally fast. All the guys just stared watching them as Zora's Aunt smiled rubbing Zora's back softly. Tonya had four boys she never had girls,so when her sister joined the army and her children were sent to live with them Tonya loved it, treating both teenage girls as if she gave birth to them, Tonya was their second mother to them. Zora looked up at the clock and then sat up straight when she heard the click of the front door quickly getting up not caring if she knocked over the chair.

"Addie!" Zora yelled and ran into the main entrance and jumped on her sister holding onto her. Zora could never go an hour without talking or seeing her sister, her sister was her life support now she needed her. Zora depended on her sister, just as Addison now depended on Zora. Addison smiled and wrapped her arms around her sister. Zora quickly pulled away and wrapped her arms around her sister and picked her up. For being little both girls were strong, whenever their mother would come home they both would work out with her, keeping them in shape with some what muscles.

Zora carried her sister into the dinning room and set her down looking at her "LOOK WHO IT IS!" Zora yelled now getting excited once more. Addison peeked past her sister gawking at the buff tattooed men who sat the table with her aunt. Her blue eye's instantly grew two times their normal size as Addison took in the scene at loss of words "what..." she whispered and looked back at Zora.

"I don't know" Zora shrugged as she watched M.Shadows and Synyster Gates get up and grab two chairs and drag them and sit next to their other band mates and manger leaving the two seats on the left for the girl's Zora sat down in the chair next to her aunt as Addison stood in the entry still gawking. "Addie, its not nice to stair" Zora teased snickering as she looked at her aunt who gave her a stern look "Sit!" Zora yelled paying little to no attention to her aunts stern look. Addison shook her head dropping her back pack next to her sisters as she took a seat next to her twin.

"Now can we know why we're hear?" Brian whined "I mean i have a massive hang over the size of Russia I don't think you understand how dragging me out of bed this morning could help that" He stated looking at his manger who only narrowed his eyes pulling out his laptop. "You see girls.." he said opening his lap top smiling at the two twins and went straight to you tube looking up the video. "I saw this today, and well.." he pressed play and turned it around so the band could see along with their aunt who hasn't seen it, leaning forward as she placed her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

The girls sighed as Zora instantly started to put her hair in a messy bun and take it down, she kept repeating this process until the video ended even then she kept going until her sister grabbed both her hands and looked at her, leaving Zora's hair in a messy bun. After a moment of awkward silence Tonya looked at the two crying "Your mother is probably so proud of you two" she whispered looking at both girls as she whipped her eyes.

Matt stared in awe at Zora, he's never heard a female do so well on one of his songs. "Wow." Zacky whispered. looking at the two who looked back at them. "So what does this have to do with us?" Johnny asked looking at his manger taking his sunglasses off. "I talked with some of the guys going on tour and we want to bring them with us" Mark stated bluntly looking at his taken aback bad. "I mean, look!" he said showing them the video views, which now had over half a million views. "Everyone loves them, they would sing one song. We're already making more tickets for the sold at show and putting more seats in the Venues." He said looking at the girls aunt hopeful who shook her head "I'm sorry but no. I mean the girls have school, they're only seventeen. They wont be eighteen until July" she said looking at the pudgy man standing in front of her. "I have that all figured out, the band doesn't leave for another week, the only day they would miss is the last day of school ,they would be back before school even starts again letting them finish their last year." The girls looked back and forth and then back at her aunt she sighed and looked at the girls "It's up to them then." she said folding her hands and placing them in her lap. "YES!" Zora yelled jumping up as she looked at Addison with excitement in her bright blue eyes "Come on Addie, this could be the biggest opportunity of our life!" she said looking at her sister with pleading eyes.

Addison looked at her sister, this could make her sister into something she never imagined. Addison sighed and nodded her head "Yeah" she whispered. Soon both girls were on the ground as Zora tackled her sister out of the chair hugging her "This is gonna be the best summer ever" she whispered holding her tightly and then jumped up smiling at the band.

"We don't get a say in this?"Johnny asked. "I mean, their teenage girls they can't party like us!" he said eying as both of them sat back in the chair. "Johnny's right Mark. I mean we do party a lot when we're on tour." Zacky said as Brian nodded his head in agreement. Zora snorted laughing, and then quickly shut her mouth as their aunt eyed them in suspicion.

Both girls are good girls. They've never killed anyone, they're nice to people but they are teenagers and teenagers do experiment with stuff, so they're not gonna lie and say they've never drank or tried pot because they both have but they only tried pot once and never liked it, they only drank once, usually they're the sober sitters for their friends who get trashed a lot on the weekends.

"Well I figured that out too, they will get their own bus and you guys don't even have to see them whe-" Mark was cut off by Matt "I think its a good idea." he said smiling at Zora who blushed and looked down "I mean, they sounded great. They're not annoying like a lot of other chicks are." he said looking at his band who just shrugged and went a long with their lead singer. "Then its settled!" Mark said and pulled out a stack of papers from a folder "I need you're guardians signature and then that's it." Mark said with a smile being proud of himself.

About an hour later the guys left after discussing where they would be going and everything else needing to be covered, all the guys said their good-byes hugging the girls saying they would see them next week on Friday. Zora smiled and started dancing around in the main entrance laughing "I can't wait to tell that little bitch in my fourth period who thinks she's gonna marry Brian" She said grinning evilly and Addison shook her head laughing at her sister. "You girl's need a new wardrobe so we're going shopping as one last girl's day out." Their aunt said looking at both girls and she wrapped her thin arms around both of them hugging them tightly "That video was beautiful girls" Tonya said letting tears well into her eyes falling down.

Their aunt and uncle have always been kind people, They were never the aunt and uncle who treated their nieces and nephew's horribly, they were the kind to try and give to every one. Tonya married Jack at the young age of eighteen and ever since then they've had a successful marriage with four boy's who they loved with every thing they had. Tonya being the stay at home mom she always wanted to be and Jack running and owning his own law firm and also helping his brother build golf courses. They were pretty wealthy, not the snobby wealthy they gave to every charity they knew who needed the money.

Tonya looked at both girls after pulling away and saw the baggy shirts and baggy pants. "I mean, you two can keep your cloths but you're gonna be eighteen and you've never worn make-up" She stated as she looked at the girls. Both girl's kept their old cloths for no reason at all, they liked them but after looking down they both decide then and there it was time for a change. and nodded their heads smiling. "And I think uncle Jack can come with us when we get your lap tops and cell phone's I mean you two will get bored." Tonya said as she smiled brighter. She wanted to spoil the two girls as much as she could.

After both squealing girls ran up the stairs with the biggest smile on their faces Tonya went into the kitchen letting the tears fall down her face, she missed her older sister more than anything in this world, and having her sisters babies around made the pain lessen, but not much. Both girls looked extremely like their mother and that helped Tonya cope day to day but now they were going away she didn't know what to do. She'll just have to see what happens in the near future.
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Comments please! I really wanna know what everyone thinks so far! :) Yeah the twins are kinda tom boys but i think its time for a change! ;D ha ha.