Dear God, the Only Thing I Ask of You Is to Hold Her When I'm Not Around

Am I weird cause' I hate goodbyes?

That night when the girl's uncle got home they explained everything to him, Zora using her arms and being over animated as she told her side of the story. There Uncle smiled at the girl's telling them he would go with them tomorrow to the apple store and then where ever they want their phone's from. Jack looked at his wife as she made dinner with sad eyes, when the girl's and his four boy's left the kitchen he walked over and wrapped his chubby arms around his wife thin frame resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Tonya, Are you okay, honey?" He asked kissing the side of her head softly. She just shook her head "It's gonna be so hard,Jack" she said referring to the twins leaving "I know they'll call every day,sweetie. We're getting them cell phone's it's not like they're gonna be gone forever" He said reassuringly to his wife as he untangled his arms from around her waist and walked out of the kitchen into the living room watching as the boy's watched the football game and the twins tried to get the remote away from Cole, the eldest son. He smile and shook his head knowing when the two girls left the house would be awfully quite without them. He sighed and sat down on his recliner.


It had been over five day's since they had their meeting with the band. Just like their uncle had promised they both got their lap tops and cell phone's Zora ending up with a black berry curve 8520, white, Addison got the new sidekick, both girls over joyed with happiness. It was now Thursday. The girl's last day and their day out with their aunt after school.

Zora being her self told half the school rubbing it in face's she didn't like of kids. Now the whole school knew and was sucking up to the girl's trying to get them to have avenged sevenfold call them or something, some not even believing the two, others not caring at all.

The day Zora had gotten her cellphone she got the piece of paper Jimmy had written his number on him and had been texting him every day since. She would text him when she got up until she went to bed. They clicked and she loved it, Jimmy had become her best friend. Zora has never had a best friend besides her sister so it was something so new to her but she loved it, she told Jimmy everything, and in return Jimmy told Zora everything too. By now Zora knew all of Jimmy's past and everything about him, Zora told Jimmy all of her secrets and everything from the first memory she'd have to the day her mother died and until then.

Addison was different, she didn't text any of the guy's, hell, she hadn't even talked to them since the day she met them.Addison was glad her sister was happy, but she was nervous, nervous for her sister,for herself, for her aunt. She was scared but she hadn't showed it or told anyone, typical Addison as usual. She was happy and excited to go out and tour the country with a band she liked, but she, being the over mature one and always thought every step before she took it was nervous. This was something completely new and out of her element but she was gonna do it, for her sister's happiness and she thought maybe for her own.

Both girl's were in their last class for the day,school year. As the bell rang Zora whipped out her phone and quickly went to her text messages and smiled when she saw a text from Jimmy.

From: Jimbo,
Chubby man,Mark, wants to know how many bag's you two will have. Oh and we'll be there to pick you two up at 6:30 to go to the air port.

Zora had found out they will be in New York so they could make their way from that side all the way back to Huntington for their last show.

Idk, we're going shopping today, 'member? I told you. Silly man

Zora sent as she walked down the hall way and out to the front waiting for her sister as she put her cell phone into the front pocket of her back pack.Zora didn't really have any one to say bye to she didn't have that many friends, I mean a lot of people liked her but she didn't consider them her 'friends' for some reason Zora just didn't. Addison on the other hand had everyone to say good-bye to.

After a while and so many hugs Addison walked out side just as her aunt pulled up in her white range rover watching her sister climb into the passenger seat Addison got into the backseat. "How was your last day girls?" Their aunt asked smiling as she pulled out of the parking lot of the school. Both girl's replied with mumbles of 'alright' and 'good' "So, we're going to the mall and I'm treating you girl's to anything you want" Their aunt said with a smile on her face.

After a good twenty minutes the girls got out of the car after their aunt parked and turned the car off. "First, to the nail salon!" Their aunt said in excitement linking her arms with the twins. Both twins grinned liking the time they were gonna spend with their aunt until summer was over.


Seven and a half hours later the girl's were collapsing on their bed with bags every where and that was only half of it, their cousins were still hauling up the rest of the bags and their luggage. "My finger's hurt." Zora whined and Addison looked at her laughing and nodded her head in agreement. "I never knew getting fake nails could hurt so bad" Addison stated looking at her finger nails "But they do look good" she said grinning as their cousins dropped the neon pink and neon blue suitcases on the either side of their bed "Wanna help,Cole,Joey?" Addison asked teasingly as she sat up.The eldest boy looked at the second oldest and in a matter of seconds both bolted from the room and down the stairs leaving the twins with shocked faces. "Rude!" Zora called after them laughing softly.

Their aunt had dragged them into Victoria Secret after getting their nails done to get some "girly" bra's and panties. After that is was just a blur for both girls, all together they went into so many shops their aunt looked up on line knowing what was hip and trendy for teens now a day's. some stores the girl's have never even heard of, they hadn't gone shopping in that long.

Forever21,PAC sun,Hot topic,Hollister,ect. Anything their aunt saw that looked teen related the girl's got drug into. "I don't wanna pack,." Zora whined hanging her head off the bed laying upside down as she examined all the bags as she shook her head. "It was nice of her though." Addison said looking around. "She didn't have to get all this, she just could got a shirt and some pants but she got us everything we liked" Addison smiled as Zora nodded her head for once not saying anything after her sister. "Come on" Addison said shoving her sister off the bed, laughing as she fell to the floor. "That was horrible!" Zora said her head shooting up and glaring at her sister as she poked her tongue out.

Both girl's sat on the floor as they set to work and started to pack everything their aunt got them, including some of their old clothes and shoes. After two hours both girl's were exhausted and laying on the bed as they looked at the suitcases near the door and put the clothes they were wearing tomorrow on the chair for tomorrow.

Zora stood up and grabbed her cell phone from her backpack and created a new text message.


She sent. In a matter of seconds she had a new text message.


Zora just rolled her eyes at the screen "Forgetful." She mumbled laughing as she sent another text

To Jimbo,
Mark wanted to know how many suitcases, we have 16 all together.Plus our carry on.

Zora laid on the floor as she turned the T.V on as Addison got on the computer, their usual routine until bed. They had both eaten already at the mall.
Zora looked at her phone as she watched it vibrate on the floor.

Think you two packed enough?

Zora snorted and shook her head knowing he couldn't see

Our aunt bought us a lot, like purses, and make up and shoes thing's Ive never even worn or seen before

Zora smiled and kept texting Jimmy until Addison yawned and got up going to the connecting bathroom to shower, Zora would shower in the morning. Zora told Jimmy goodnight and she would see him tomorrow as she turned her phone on silent and charged it changing into a pair of shorts and big shirt climbing into the king size bed with cartoons still on the T.V.

After Addison got out of the shower she put on pajama pants and a tank top as she climbed into bed. Both girl's fell asleep around midnight with the T.V on still.

Their aunt walked into the room shutting the T.V off and picked Zora's hanging leg up and put it back on the bed covering her up and switched Addison soaked pillow for a new one. Tonya kissed the girl's head smiling at them. She did love them like a mother would, that would never change she was just going to miss them so much.
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No one is commenting this, so I don't know if i should keep going or not.

How cute are they? lol Happy holidays! :D