Status: one-shot

Starry Night Skies

Part 1 of 1

Birthdays. They say the more you have, the longer you live. I suppose that’s very true, but when my birthday comes around, I could really care less. It’s my birthday today; December 24th.

I woke up the morning of my nineteen to the most annoying ringtone ever created. It just happened to belong to a few friends of mine. I still can’t figure out how to change it something less aggravating.

“Hello?” I grumbled into the receiver of my call phone.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday day to you! Happy birthday dear Allie, happy birthday to you!” The three voices finished their song to me. I sighed, remembering that I was turning nineteen today.

“Thanks, guys,” I finally said.

“It’s your birthday,” Kevin explained. “Be happy!”

“Yeah, be happy,” Joe repeated. “Now you’re only one year younger than me, and not two.”

“Gosh, thanks Joe. That makes me feel better,” I replied smugly.

“Okay, then,” I heard Nick finally say something. “Well, you better get dressed. We’re coming over in twenty minutes, so be ready.”

“Fine. See you soon,” I mumbled and hung up before they had the chance to say goodbye.

I was not in my best mood. And, as much as I love those guys, I wasn’t up to seeing them all that much. But, they kept their promise and were at my house about twenty minutes after I hung up with them on the phone. They knocked on the door until I finally opened it and was welcomed into all three sets of arms. I laughed to myself.

“Happy birthday!” They all said in unison.

“Thanks,” I said, again.

They led me into the kitchen where they sat me down at the table. I had a confused look on my face and Kevin spoke before I could ask what they were doing.

“Okay, so we all know you don’t like your birthday and all, but we all chipped in to get you this,” he held out an envelope that was red and green with a picture of a Christmas bell. I smiled and took it from his hand to open it.

“I told you guys not to get me anything,” I groaned and proceeded to open the envelope to find a card. I opened it up and read the contents that wished me a happy birthday. Inside the card was another, smaller envelope and I opened it up and pulled out an exclusive backstage pass and ticket to see one of my favorite performers; John Mayer. I stared at it for a while before Nick said something.

“Do you like it?” He asked, hoping for a good answer.

I nodded my head and they quickly noticed my face was no longer showing a happy expression. I looked as sad as I did when they first walked through the front door.

“Then what’s wrong?” Joe sat down across from me. Kevin and Nick then sat in the two remaining seats at the table.

“I’ve gotta tell you guys something, and I don’t know how you’ll feel about it. I know I’m pretty damn pissed, so I doubt you’ll feel like hopping around the room,” I stared at each of them and then back down at my once-in-a-lifetime ticket to see John Mayer live.

“What is it?” Kevin asked. I took in a deep breath; something I always do when I need to say something important to the guys. They were my best friends, and I trusted them with everything I told them. But this news would probably be the worst they’ve heard from me.

“I won’t be able to go,” I finally said. “I won’t even be here.”

The brothers looked back and forth between each other. I didn’t have the heart to tell them, but it would be obvious when they noticed I wasn’t going to be home for the next year.

“I’m being deployed to Iraq next Saturday,” I whispered. “And I’ll be gone for a year.”

They stared at me with open mouths, unable to say anything. They knew I had already been through my first year in training with the Marine Corps, but they didn’t think that I would need to travel across the world to fight for my country.

One Week Later – Thursday Night

“So, what should we do tomorrow?” Joe asked as all four of us walked around the park near my parent’s house. “I mean, it’s your last night here for a year. We should do something.”

“I guess,” I agreed. “I don’t know, though.”

“Well, how about we just come here?” Nick suggested. “Like we always did. And we can just stare up at the sky. It’ll feel like it’s below zero, but it’ll be worth it.”

“I like that idea,” Kevin joined in. “How about it, Allie? Starry sight on a cold winter’s night? Ooo! That could be a song or a poem.”

“Wow, Kevin,” I laughed. “You never cease to amaze me. That sounds good to me, guys.” We continued walking around the park, watching as the Christmas lights on the houses that surrounded the park were turning on. The sight was absolutely beautiful, and I knew this was what I was going to miss most; being with my best friends when things get tough.

When Friday night finally came, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of feelings that I couldn’t quite explain. Kevin, Joe, and Nick hadn’t stopped by yet, but they were going to be here soon. As I dragged my camouflage bag down to the living room and went back to my room to finish getting my uniform ready. I heard a knock on the door and I ran to the front door to greet my friends. There were shivering and quickly walked inside to get out of the snow.

“Cold outside, huh?” I pointed the small mound of snow that was lying on top of Nick’s head and laughed lightly. I brushed it off for him and bundled up. As we walked down to the park, it began to snow bigger snow flakes and the temperature felt as if it dropped even lower. I found a perfect spot in the middle of the park and fell back in the snow, and made a snow angel.

“Lovely snow angel,” Joe dropped back and did the same, as did Nick and Kevin.

My arms got tired fast and I stopped to just stare at the snow falling onto my face. I couldn’t see any stars in the sky and felt a little disappointed.

“So, this is it, guys,” I said to them, realization hitting me like a brick. “I’m gonna be gone for a year.”

They didn’t say anything at first. I suppose I ruined the moment with my comment and didn’t bother to say anything else. But when I was going to say something, I felt them grab each of my arms and help me to my feet. The next second, I was surrounded by all three of them in the tightest hug they’ve ever given me. A tear strolled down my cheek and I realized that they were the ones I wanted at my side each time I would ever go through something like this. They were the ones that wanted to see before I left and the ones I wanted to see when I will step off the plane coming home in a year from now.

Two Months Later

I received a letter the other day. The hand writing quickly gave away that it was from my best friends. Joe had terrible hand writing sometimes.

Dear Allie,

We hope you’re doing great. We miss you a ton. And we can’t wait for you to come home already. We promise to be the ones holding up a crazy sign with your name on it at the airport.

I guessed that was probably Joe’s idea.

We know you probably miss us just as much. We’re hard to live without. But, anyway, we know we promised you something before you left, and we figured we would make up that promise to you. Hopefully you’ll be getting the letter before the first day of March. We’ll be waiting under the stars. We love you and can’t wait to see you. Write back, okay?!
Love, Kevin, Joe, and Nick

I smiled, knowing that it was March 1st and that I would be able to see the stars with them. And then I also remember I would be seeing the stars before them. It was the thought that counts though, right?

That night, I lay out beneath the stars on top of one of the trucks. The sky was completely clear and it was like the sky never ended, and all I could do was smile.
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one was it? comments are welcome :]