Status: Slow Active


Chapter One

His eyes were thick, deep, never ending pools of chocolate brown. Something that was easy to fall into and even harder to pull yourself from. His hair was a dark brown, easy to distract you, making you long to run your fingers through the soft tresses, and when he slept, he looked like an angel, made you want to snuggle up next to him. Kind and gentle soul who hated fighting and wanted to save people from the world and from themselves.

And I was the girl that no one saw. They didn't think I existed. I walked the halls, knowing that I was something invisible in most of their eyes. And he was the person that I watched everyday. It was so hard not to let my eyes rest on his angelic face. But I didn't deserve to look at something as amazingly beautiful as that. I was a nothing, a nobody, and I didn't want to be in this place anyway.

I had been the rebellious type, refusing to bend to my mother's will. I thought it would be a great experience to live with my dad, and I was angered that my mom wouldn't let me live with him. And now, here I was in a place that I didn't belong, slinking along walls, hoping to get another glance of that perfect beauty. I was stuck in a place where I wasn't really wanted. Just fed..never really talked to. Oh, there was the occasional "how was school", "where are you going", or my personal favorite: "time to eat", but there were never any words of love exchanged. I knew that if something like him noticed me, it was only because I had dropped into his world unexpectedly, a force to be reckoned with, something that couldn't be ignored once it was in front of you.

It was actually pretty surprising that I wasn't noticed. Olive colored skin, piercing green eyes, and bright red hair usually drew people's attention to someone. But not in a school like this. And I was perfectly at peace with that. That was until the day that everything changed. That was the day the world I had known went spiraling downward. And it wasn't even my dad's fault.

It was a normal day and I had been hanging out in the dark corners. I sat under the tree I always did and nibbled on my PB&J sandwich like I always did, sipping on my semi-warm Mountain Dew. And then I threw my trash away and walked inside, just like everyday. But what was different about this day was that his brother ran in to me.

I was minding my own business, walking along with my head bowed, wishing that the day would end. When out of nowhere, a blur of black slammed into my body, throwing me backward. It caused me to slam my butt onto the cold, hard, tiled floor. It was rather uncomfortable and I made an oof noise as I fell. I groaned and then slowly pulled myself up from the floor.

The boy was blushing a horrible red color and he kept stammering, apologizing. I just pushed my red hair back, tucking it behind my ear, revealing my eyebrow and nose piercing. "It's fine." I mumbled. "Really. Don't worry about it." And then I slipped past his brother and in turn, by him. I thought that would be the last time that either one would talk to me, but I was far from the truth.

Two or three days later, Benji, the brother, followed me around, trying hard to apologize for knocking me down. I told him repeatedly that it was fine. I was surprised at how many death glares I got from the girls. It wasn't like I was asking him to talk to me. He wouldn't leave me alone. And I was getting awfully uncomfortable. Finally, I spun around, meeting his chocolate brown eyes, so like his brother's, with my piercing green ones. "I said it was fine. Just...just...please, leave me alone. Everyone is staring at me and I don't like it." He had looked at me in an odd way. As I had turned to walk away, I felt him grip my arm and spin me around.

The boy studied me for a long time. "You don't get noticed much, do you?" I blinked in surprise, pulling my arm from his grasp.

"No." Was my mumbled reply.

I clutched my messenger bag to my side and then turned away from him. I walked down the hall, disappearing around the corner. And when I was sure he wasn't following me, I leaned up against the wall and slid down, sitting on the floor and staring in front of me.

I had been noticed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. So. I just wanted to get this first chapter up.
This one isn't going to be a huge deal yet.
I forgot that I had it on Quizilla. It wasn't doing to great there, and I didn't want to stop it completely, so I just deleted it from Quizilla.
If I update this one at all, it will not be very often at all. Only when I'm struck by the urge to do so. Please be patient and enjoy.

Subscribers and comments would mean a lot to me.
Feedback people! <3
