Status: Slow Active


Chapter Two

To be honest, I was kinda hoping that was the last that I would see of Benji Madden. Not that the guy was rude or anything. But…I felt awkward. It was like a black and white photo that was suddenly turned colored. Everyone was noticing me. And I mean everyone. It irritated me that it took something as simple as that for me to suddenly exist to a bunch of brainless teens.

So the next week at school was kinda tough. I have to say I got a few friends out of the deal- which is hardly bad. I met a couple of kids- Drake and Sarah, twins like the Maddens, and Sierra and Mitch, and Jonah. I’d seen these kids around before. Like me, they didn’t want to be part of that crowd. We started hanging out, and, honestly, it made me feel better that I wasn’t completely alone anymore.

Its Tuesday, and instead of sitting under that tree by myself, my new friends are gathered around me. And we’re laughing and joking around, just like usual. My lunch is the same- that’s one thing that hardly ever changes. But this time, I’ve added a few things. Cooler Ranch Doritos, you know, the ones in the blue package, and a bag of mini chocolate chip cookies. So I was splurging a little. Sarah was always complaining that I was too skinny anyway, might as well pig out on cookies.

I had just taken a bite out of my PB&J sandwich, when out of nowhere, I hear his voice. I still and blink, glancing over my shoulder. Benji is there, dragging him along by his arm. I quirk an eyebrow- the left one, which is the one that’s pierced. I don’t know why, exactly, but it surprises me that they aren’t over there with their usual group of friends. I can see Aaron, Billy, and Paul glancing over here curiously. They’re obviously just as clueless as me and my friends, apparently.

“This is the chick that I ran into!”

Benji’s words reach my ears and the corners of my mouth turn down slightly. I’m not a chick. I have a name. I cross my arms over my chest, and shoot my friends a look. They just shrug their shoulders. I tilt my head curiously, reaching up to tuck another loose strand of hair behind him ear. The two boys stop in front of me. Yeah, they’re suppose to be identical, but I can easily tell which one is Benji and which is Joel. Its not that hard- if you’re a creeper like I am.

“I told you. That’s the chi-”

“You know, I have a name.” The words come out harsher than meant to, but I’m getting irritated. I like Benji okay, don’t get me wrong. He’s pretty funny and whatever. But its irritating when you don’t get called by your name. And he’s in almost all my classes with me.

He looks blank. Well, obviously he doesn’t know my name. With a pained sigh, I roll my eyes up toward the sky, but a smirk is playing at my lips now.

“Divinity Baker. I sit three chairs behind you in English and Bio.”

A look of dawning recognition washes over his features, and I can’t help but laugh at the expression on his face. He blinks several times and looks at his brother who, by the way, is rolling his eyes. I just smile and he catches me looking at him. Turning a bright red, I avert my eyes, but not before I catch a returning smile.

“That’s right! You’re that girl who just transferred here. You’ve got a rad name, you know?”

A smile curves my lips and I just shrug a little, before a surprised gasp is sounded behind me. I turn my head to look at Mitch with a questioning gaze. His blond hair is falling into his face, and he shoves at it in that irritated manner he always does. I don’t know why he doesn’t just cut it if he hates it so much. I tilt my head at him in question, and his lips smooth into a smirk.

“Well, I’m glad someone got Div to smile.” I narrow my eyes a fraction of an inch, and he lets loose of a laugh, that’s deep and bright. He’s laughing so hard he falls backwards and I roll my eyes. “Seriously though.” He sits up straight. “Even we don’t amuse you that much, do we?”

I raise my eyebrows at his question. “Dunno. Do you?” He has no response to that. I can see that, and then I turn my eyes back on the twins.

“I really am sorry about bumping into you, you know.” I roll my eyes at the words and he holds up a hand. “Look, I already know you’re going to say its not a big deal, but it seems like it to me. So let me just tell you that I want to make it up to you.” I cross my legs beneath me. This could totally get interesting. “So, we have a band. Its not exactly kicked off yet, but we’re playing a gig at Charlie’s this weekend. You should come.”

“What’s in it for me?” I know this will bug him, and that’s why I ask. Its just so much fun irritating guys.

Just as I figured he would, Benji rolled his eyes. “What do you mean what’s in it fo-”

I watch as Joel nudges his brother, effectively shutting him up. “What he means is, we can get you free pizza. And it’d be awesome if you came.”

He smiled at me then, his lips curving upwards softly, producing dimples. I know my cheeks are flaming, but for once I don’t care. I nod slightly. “Sure, why not. If I can get away from my dad.” I shrug some, already knowing I can get away fro the weekend. It isn’t that hard. Dad will be more than glad to have me out of the house.

“Awesome. Thanks. I uh- guess we’ll see you then.”

I nod. “Yeah, see you then.”

Once they’re a safe distance away, my cheeks flame hotter. I turn my green eyes on my friends. Sarah and Sierra don’t waste a minute before they suddenly pounce on me. In a startled reaction, I squeal. Both girls pull me to my feet and shoot a look over their shoulders at the boys.

“We’ll be back,” They say in unison.

I’m rather startled as they drag me away- to where, I haven’t a clue. But suddenly, we’re in the girls’ restroom on the first floor, and they have me cornered by the wall.

“Which one do you like?”

“Is it both?”

They speak at the same time and I can feel my cheeks flaming once more. When is it going to stop? I scoff, folding my arms beneath my breasts. “Why should I answer any of your questions?”

Both girls look at me, dumbfounded. Sarah speaks first. “Uh, gee, maybe cause we’re your best friends?”

“Maybe because you already know who we like?”

“But that’s just obvious,” I say, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly. I’m met with gaping mouths. I just laugh and grin. “Oh, chill you guys. I’m going to tell you, don’t get your panties in a twist.” Flipping my red hair over my shoulder, I lean against the counter and see a shared look of relief pass between them. You’d think they were the twins, rather than Sarah and Drake.

“Well?” Sierra prompts me.

“I like Joel.” The words are out of my lips before I can even have second thoughts about speaking them aloud. Everything always becomes so…official when spoken outright. I mean, duh, of course we already knew my feelings were official. But telling something like that to someone makes it more…final, I guess.

Both of the girls squeal, and I wince at the noise, hoping that no one is walking in the hall. We’re not suppose to be inside during lunch, and I don’t feel like getting in trouble. So I just roll my eyes.

“We knew it!” There they go, talking at the same time again.

I manage a laugh. “Well, its kind of obvious in the fist place. I mean, don’t you see me gawking at them all the time?”

Sierra is the one who speaks. “Well yeah, but it wasn’t like we were going to call you out on it. Friends don’t do that. Well, I mean they do. But you get it. It wasn’t really any of our business who you were looking at.”

Sarah follows up with her own comments, blue eyes sparkling brightly as a smile rests on her lips. “That is just so freaking cute, Div!” She’s squealing again. “I mean, he’s uber adorable, and you two together would just be amazing!”

I hold up my hands in the universal sign for “wait just a minute”. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re moving way too fast. I said I liked him. That doesn’t mean we’ll be getting together. That doesn’t mean that he likes me, even. Don’t you see the way he looks at Kimber?” I quirk an eyebrow, knowing full well that they’ll get what I mean.

Kimber Hampton could easily be labeled as the most popular girl in school. Now, don’t get the wrong impression. Yeah, most popular girls are snooty, but Kimber is far from being like that. She’s a total babe, even I can admit to that. I’m straight, of course, but girls can totally realize when another girl has them beat in the babe category. Kimber has this jet black hair that she keeps cut short- to her shoulder. And these big emerald colored eyes, fringed with long lashes. Her body- yeah, I’m totally jealous of it. She’s in shape. She’s a cheerleader after all, she’s got this tiny waist that I’d kill for. She’s the girl I always see Joel gazing at. And the thing is, I totally get it, ‘cause that’s what he is to me.

With a sigh, both of the girls bob their heads slightly. “Yeah well, maybe he needs to see that he’s got another babe standing in front of him, that actually likes him.”

I roll my eyes at Sarah’s comment, laughing a little. “I don’t know who you’re calling a babe, but it sure better not be me.” I face the mirrors, scrutinizing my face. I have too many freckles, my nose is slightly crooked from where my little brother broke it, my lips are too small and thin. I pretty much have no chest at all, and even though I’m thin, I’m not fit, which has always bugged me- been thinking about trying out for the track team anyway. My legs are long- I’ll give myself credit for that- but my skin is really pale, and my hair- well I guess it could be worse. At least its not like that orange hair. Its more of a reddish brown, but the red is pretty bright. The one thing that I like absolutely, no matter what, are my eyes. They’re this bright, clear green. I got my left eyebrow pierced when I was thirteen, as a way to irritate my mom, a piercing in the right side of my nose followed not to long after that, and I have to say, I like them just fine- probably a lot more than I would if my dad didn’t have a problem with it.

With a shake of my head, I scowl at my two friends slightly. I tug the hem of the black tee shirt I’m wearing, down over the bands of my army fatigues. They’re a pair of pants I stole from my older brother, from forever ago. I have black converse on my feet- my favorite kind of shoes, and a black, studded belt. Its really no use tugging the shirt down, it’ll just creep right back up and show the same inch of skin between the hem of the shirt, and the band of my pants again.

“Lets just go, okay? I want to finish my lunch and then get to class. We’re working on those short stories again today, and I’m actually enjoying it.”

They give me weird looks, but after a moment of our staring contest, they sigh and turn towards the door. I throw one last look at myself and roll my eyes with a snort.

What guy in their right mind would think that this is attractive.
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Hey guys, look at this! Its another chapter!!! :D

Yeah, I'm aware its been almost a year since I updated this. But hey, gimme credit. At least it got done.
