Dont Lose It Gee.

Gerard is 20 just a normal kind of a guy you know; Eat, sleep, work, smoke and so forth.
But gerard is having trouble sleeping, all he sees when he closes his weak eyes is the same image of this horrible dream. Its driving him over the edge, how much more can he take without letting everyone around him know something is not right with him.

Espeicaly Frank, Gerard loves him but how much more tourture can Gerard take ? How much more pain can Frank deal with ,seeing Gerard falling apart in front of him.

How much can a mind take before it brakes? How much pain can one person take before it's to much to bare? How much torure can the body take before it's broken?

How Much More Can Gerard Take Before He Loses It ?

This story will be writting in Gerards point of view inless otherwise stated.