Robbert Cory Bryar, I Love It When You're Bad

Sneaky To Do the Kinky

Bob and I were staying with Eliza and Gerard for a couple of days till the start of the tour. I wake up to Bob kissing my chest. "Hun, they are still here."
"Point being?"
"I'm not having sex with them in the same building as us."
"Then I'm getting a hotel room and we are going to stay there and fuck all we want."
I roll my eyes and attempt to fall asleep again just as I feel the bed shift from Bob getting up. 20 minutes later I wake up again and see Bob walking around the room with only a towl around his waist. I come up behind him and kiss his shoulder. "Hey."
"We can be quiet."
"You know you like it when I scream."
I walked into the ajoining bathroom leaving him with his mouth wide open. I love it.


I was getting sick so I decided that I needed to go back to Chicago. I was getting excited and all too. Bob insisted that I stay with him and have him take care of me. I think that I just got some bad virus and I really don't want to give the guys what ever I have. So right now I'm on my sidekick talking to my big bear.

Katie: hey.
Bob: I <3 u
K: Im stll sick
B: gtg <3 u
K: u2

I toss my sidekick onto the other end of the couch and cuddle with our cat, Tiger. I was watching some sappy chick flick where the girl falls in love with their best guyfriend and marries them. I start crying and know that Bob will never propose. If he's comfortable with something then there's no way in changing his mind.


I was with Eliza, Frank, and Alicia at this jewlers. I'm looking for this engagement ring to propose to Katie with. She's my life and I know that deep down she wants to get married. So after about three hours of bordom, I came up with this:

Hopefully she'll love it.