Status: editing

Staring at the Walls


Angel's POV

I sat on the couch, watching another episode of Doctor Who. It's a great show, really. It's just very hard to explain without sounding like a lunatic. Right now, the girls were in the kitchen making supper. I didn't know what they were making, but it smelled delicious. I didn't feel very comfortable here. I didn't mean here, on this couch. I meant here, with them in this house. Everybody had a place, except me. Sam was with Miranda and Anna was with Dean. Well, not yet, but it was pretty obvious. I didn't really fit in. Again, I thought about what they were going to do with me.

"Hey Angel, what's up?" Dean sat down beside me.

"I was just wondering when I would get to go home." I looked at him hopefully. He didn't look like he was about to give me good news.

"Listen, Angel. You can't ever go home. You can either stay here with Bobby while we get this thing sorted out, or you can come hunting with us." He looked as if he was praying for me to pick the first choice, so that's what I did. Besides, I didn't really want to hang out with them and watch them making bedroom eyes at eachother.

"I think I'll stay here. I'd probably be best that way." I looked down, forcing the tears back down.

Dean smiled. "Thanks, man." He rested his hand on my shoulder. "What'cha watchin'?"

"Uh, it's hard to explain. Just watch." He did and I answered every single one of his questions. By the end of the episode, he was jsut as addicted as I was.

~~time lapse~~

"Hey Angel! Can you come help me here!" Sam called me from the kitchen. Miranda had called Sam and Dean earlier to set the table.

"Uh, actually, Angel's my nickname." I told them as I went in. It was true. When I was in school, I acted in a play and my name was Angel. My friends found that that name suited me so well, they started calling me that way. They looked surprised. "My real name's Alecksis Shadows."

"Well, welcome Alecksis, but right now I need your help." Sam said, trying to juggle plates. I laughed a little and went to help him.

Once supper was done, everyone sat down and started eating, barely talking. It was amazing.

"Wow, Anna. Where did you learn to cook so well?" I asked, stuffing my face with sheperds' pie.

"Yeah, this is amazing." Dean said, his mouth full, so it actually came out: Ya, dis ish amashing.

She laughed. "Well, my mom and dad worked a lot, so I had to bake for my little sister and I. You have no idea how useful a cookbook can be!" She smiled.

After that, we spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating popcorn. It was great. We watched Constantine, Incedious, Cujo and The Shinning. When the last movie's credits showed, I stretched and looked around. Miranda was litterally sleeping ON Sam and Anna drifting off on Dean's shoulder who was already asleep, snoring silently. I slowly got up and went to my room. I fell quickly asleep, with the light on. I had a feeling I would be sleeping with a night light for a while.
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:D just a filler... but a happy filler...COMMENTS!!! they make me very very very very very happy!! :D