A girl that is having trouble with love

first day at school

X Shakirra’s pov X
Ok it was my first day at school and it was horrible I had no friends and everyone looked at me like I was some fat ugly chick that should have no friends and should just die in hell. I was walking towards the office so that I could get my time table with all my subjects on them…while I was walking this guy came up to me and introduce himself to me
“hi im Shane…nice to meet you…im guessing your new here??” he said, his voice was so soft and sweet.”Hi im Shakirra…nice to meet you as well…yeah I am new…would u be able 2 show me where the office is?...I need to get my time table so I can find my classes before class starts” I said, I was so shy I was amazed I actually talked to him. “Sure…well follow me” he replied, ah I love his voice….anyways back to the story. We were walking to the office and just talking about random things…just getting to know each other. We finally arrived at the office and I got my time table and he then showed me around the school and showed me where my classes are. By the time he had finished showing me everything it was then time to go to our access class where we get our name marked off.

X Shane’s pov X
I was walking around the school when I noticed this girl I had never seen before. She had black hair with green streaks and was wearing a black top with the crusty demons on the front of it, she had black 3 quarter jeans on and her black and white chucks, she had her lip pierced and she had a green bar in it, she had black eyeliner on and her hair was emoish. She looked so cool so I went up to her and introduced myself to her. ”hi im Shane….nice to meet you…im guessing Ur new here??” I said, she looked so shy and nervous I didn’t know if she was gonna reply back or just slap me. “Hi im Shakirra...Nice to meet you as well…yeah I am new…would you be able 2 show me where the office is? I need to get my time table so I can find my classes before class starts” she said, her voice was so soft and shaky. “sure…well follow me” I replied, I was amazed she asked me to show her where the office was so I thought that on the way there I could get to know her better and then maybe I could show her around, we got to the office and she got her time table and then I started showing her where her classes were and then the rest of the school. By the time I had finished showing her where her classes were and the rest of the school it was access time so we said our goodbyes and went separate ways. All through my first to classes I couldn’t stop thinking about Shakirra just the way she walked and the way she talked and just didn’t care what anyone said about her. It was then lunch time so I went to the canteen and got some lunch then ran into Shakirra, “hey Shakirra…how were your first to classes for today??...find them easily???” I asked her, “hey Shane…yeah they were alright I suppose…I found them perfectly thank you…all thanks to your help this morning” she replied while blushing, OMG she is blushing how cute!!, “oh that was no problem...didn’t want you to get lost and get detention…that would suck majorly…well I was wondering if you know….wanted to hang out with me today??...we could keep getting to know each other a bit more…and plus don’t we have the same class next anyway??” I asked, “ oh how sweet of you…yeah I would like to hang out with you…I would love to get to know you better…and im pretty sure we have next class together.” She said,
We then went to where I sit at lunch and talked some more and then the bell finally rang and we headed off to class. The day finally end after hanging out with Shakirra at lunch and then going to next class and then walking home. I got her number while in class…maybe I should ring her when I get home and see if she wants to come ova.