Forever Blowing Bubbles


I was 25
I had never been out of the country.
I had never lived alone.
I had no backups.
As I drove I thought about what was ahead of me. I was on my way to my first real job. I mean this is the job I could have forever.
I could retire off of this job.
i was going to a school. i wasn't sure that i wanted to teach younger kids as opposed to high school students, but a job is a job.
and in these economic times, i would take what i could get. even if it was thousands of miles away from home.
I grew up in a suburb of Chicago. my parents are still married and i have two brothers and two sisters.
they had all gone off and gotten married with the exception of my brother that was just one year older then me, Justin.
I have numerous nephews and two nieces.
I had left all of this behind in my journy to start my own life.
the only living thing that came with was my fish kujo.
as i pulled up to the school i saw children running everywhere from ages k-8th.
i knew ahead of time that i would be teaching 5-8th.
i parked and made my long haul to the door.
i hadden't been this nervous sense i actually started school when i was a kid.