About a boy.


There he was, chatting up his friends. No idea in his mind that I was crushing on him.
"Wow.." was the only thought running through my own.
He is fucking gorgeous. He is everything that I have ever wanted, or so it seems. He has a charming personality, an adorable smile, he is artistic and intelligent, just, wow.
He caught me off gaurd continuously every day, all day. I often found myself running into people or losing track of conversations, just inthrawled so deeply in him. Tryiing to read him. Desiring his eyes just to remotely light on me, even if only for a instant.
He was insanely cute with his short, dark brown hair to his amazingly dazzling brown eyes to the dimples made as a stunning smile spreads across his face.
I wonder what it would feel like to have my first kiss by him. God, I am hopeless. Almost sixteen and haven't had my first kiss yet. I am a loser; from my retarded hair that I try, and fail, to staighten most days, to the pimples on my face that make me look wierd in certain lights.
Look at me, ...please.
Still nothing, and I have been trying to catch his attention since I transferred.. Like I said before, hopeless..
A moment later, my ear was being tugged upon as I was dragged into Mr. Bernard's room.
"What are you doing? What was that?! Why were you staring at Joseph? You tell me or so help me God. You will be out of here faster than the rate you are at now!"
"What did I do?" I pleaded with the utmost innocence.
"You know damn well what you were doing, we all do. We don't take your kind in this school! I want you to gather your items, return our books and other materials, and promptly leave our premises never to return. Do you understand, Mr. Hosen?" Practically spitting in my face with every syllable.
"Aye aye, Captain." I tried to come off as hard and untouched by what just happened, but as I quickly threw the books onto his desk, gathered my stuff, and ran to my car. I just sat there, sobbing.
When I finally regained consciousness, I peered at the clock in shock.
"Six fourty-five?! Shit!"
I pulled up into the parking lot at work and proceeded to change into my uniform.
"Hey, welcome to Monkey... oh, it's only you. Heard what happened at school today. ...Fag."
"Fuck you." I replied to Julie in a tone that would make my mother cringe.
"Jared! Step into my office, now!"
I shut the door behind me and sat in the first chair in view.
"This is your third time late this week. I don't know how to make you realize I care. Jared, you have to be more responsible."
"Yes ma'am. I am sorry. I had a really bad day and it took me a while to be able to drive."
"I heard.. I'm sorry that happened to you.. Is there anything I can do to help you?" she replied with the deepest sincerity.
"I might need a place to stay for a few nights..?" almost in tears again.
She rushed over and pulled me into a hug. As she smoothly caressed my back, she offered me her couch.
"No thanks.. I'll manage."
"It's always open. Plus, it's a pull-out futon!" she said as she nervously laughed obviuosly trying to cheer me up a bit.
I smiled, hoping it would in turn cause her to release her grip so I could escape into my labors.
"Take the day off, okay?"
"No, it's okay. I can work."
"No, really. It's okay we can manage without you for a day or two. Don't forget to call me if you need a place or anything at all."
"Thank you." This time I started the hug and walked back to my car.
There were the words, "Die faggit die!" sprawled across the side of my car.
"Honestly, learn to spell, fuck-tards."