Status: Active

Voldemort's Diary

Entry One: Hallowe'en


Dear Diary,

Tonight's the night! Wormtail's told me where they are (finally!), tonight I'm going to kill Lily and James Potter's son. Harry. I know, I know, he's only a baby! But, as Severus said, the prophecy says I have to kill him!
Ooo, I've come over all excited!
I must kill Harry James Potter, and I don't care if either of his blood-traitor parents get in the way! Oh, no, not them Dumbledore worshippers!
You know. I've always questioned that man's sexuality...he's always seemed a bit camp to me...although that neither here nor there, I may be (if I do say so myself) an evil genius, but I am, in no way, homophobic!
Anyway, Bellatrix has asked to accompany me but I refused her help. She's probably gone to bloody kill herself now or something. Having faithful followers is handy but they don't half get on your nerves sometimes!
I told her “I don't need help! I'm not a Dark Lord by getting people to help me all the time!”
You should've seen her face! Sometimes I say things like that just to see her squirm, “Yes, master, sorry master, how can I repay you?”
It's almost as funny as seeing Lucius and Narcissa's house elf, Dotty or something, iron his fingers! And I must say, that's a delight!
Right, I've got my wand in my pocket and my robes on so, must dash! Got a baby to kill.


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I hope you like it :D
This is only tongue in cheek, I understand the complexity of the character that is Voldemort, this is just a little micky take of him!
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