Status: extreme writers block


Stupid party...

It was New Years eve, When we finally decided to do it. Me and Luke had stayed sober Until now, knowing we were underage, But the "party animal" spirit finally got the better of us, And we finally had a drink. Half an hour later we were both so drunk that everything became a kaleidoscope.
The next morning I woke up with such a massive headache that It took a while to register. Then it hit me all at once : I was lying in Luke's bed, Stark naked. He was lying next to me, and I didn't dare Look below his chest.
Slowly the events of the night before came filtering back, How I had allowed myself to be led, giggling uncontrollably, to Luke's bedroom.How we had laid down on the bed........
I lay back on the pillow and groaned.
The movement and the noise woke Luke up. I quickly gathered up the blankets over me. He took in the situation And began to try to talk
"well, Um, uh" He began, but I cut him off.
"I'm going to go get dressed' I blurted. Taking one of the blankets I went into the bathroom, taking my clothes with me. When I came out, I found that Luke Had also gotten dressed. There was an awkward silence then.
"Do you remember what we did last night?"
I nodded. there was another silence. Then I said " hey we were drunk. we can forget it. we are still best friends."
He laughed. " Yep, See ya later tortoise"
"Hey my name is Still not tortoise" I yelled over my shoulder.
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This is my first story. Comments and subscriptions are welcome