Status: extreme writers block


wake up and face the music.

Yeah, Ok, so I was really not doing so well. This was the second day that I had been sick to my stomach and school was starting tomorrow. But that wasn't what I was worried about. A certain thought had been running through my mind.
"what if I was pregnant?"
Finally I decided to go and find out. My mom wasn't there, so I didn't have to explain why I was leaving the house after I had felt so sick. I went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test kit. when I got home It showed me just what I was afraid of:
A little pink plus sign.
I was just sitting on my bed, staring off into space, tears running down my cheeks. When my mom came home, she knocked on the door. When i didnt answer she cautiously opened the door, and stopped short.
"Are you alright, sweetie?" She asked, sitting down next to me. The whole story came out then, from getting drunk right up to the little pink plus sign.
I have the best mother in the world. I know it sounds corny, like what a four year old would say, But it's true. she didn't get mad at me or do anything she have justifiably done, she just held me and let me cry untill I had no tears left. Then she said softly. "baby, I know this is hard for you. I don't have any magic pill that could make it all go away, undo itself. I wish I did, but scince I don't I just want you to know that i'm here for you." I looked at her, gratefully.
'but you know baby, You're going to have to tell Luke.
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Thanks, avisgunshot, for the comment. i made my day!