Status: extreme writers block


I'm cant think of what to call this right now.

I went to school the next day totally freaked out. i mean, if you want to talk like a poetry book, than my heart was in my throat and beating so loud everyone could hear it. If you want to talk in modern vernacular, I was about ready to shit my pants.
I went to talk to Luke before first period started. I came over by his locker.
"Hey' I said. "you know, I have to talk to you about something"
"Like what." He said. "you know, If its about the other night, I though we had agreed to put it behind us. Tortoise"
I rolled my eyes. "for the three-hundred and sixty-fifth time, my name is Susan, not tortoise."
"yes" he said. "that's why I am the only one allowed to call you tortoise"
"Luke," I said. "this is serious"
"of course" He said. "what i can call you, and others can't is a TOTALLY serious question"
I sighed. Luke is my best friend science kindergarten, But it sometimes pisses me off that he cant take ANYTHING seriously. "Luke" I said. "about the other night, we cant just forget about it."
"And why not, tortoise?"
I decided to just take the plunge. i knew from experience that dreading a thing is often about ten times worse than when it actually happens.
"Luke." I said. "I'm pregnant"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry for the really short chapter. I promise I will have an extra long one next time to make up for it.