‹ Prequel: Whiskey Lullaby

My Little Girl

Johnny Boy

"Anne!" My little brother, John, called.

Just ignore him and finish your report.


Typing typing typing, la la l-


"Annette will you please answer your brother!" Mom's irritated voice snapped. I rolled my eyes, walking to the foot of the stairs to see him.

"What?" He stared at me, with those cute little puppy dog eyes.

"Will you play monster with me?" I raised an eyebrow, looking at his toys.

"And how, pray tell, do we play that?" I asked, crossing my arms. If I so much as smiled on the outside, he'd pull me in, and I really couldn't afford that. I needed to finish my homework before mom killed me.

"Well, me and the guys," He said, meaning his toys, "are the towns people. And you'll be the big, nasty, scary, ugly monster and try to eat us all!" I stared unitrested at him, not saying a word.


"Aaanne!!!" He called as I walked back to my computer.

"Hoooomework!!" I called back, plugging my headphones in as I sat down.

"Annette Play with your brother!" Mom called, followed by a loud yipe from our dog Cammy. "Well then move, stupid!" She yelled, no doubt Cammy have been trailing underneither her. Again. She always did that, she took after her mom Jewel.

"I'm working!" I whined, flopping over my chair.

"You're always working!" She called back, making me groan again.

"Fine." I mumbled walking out the door. "Hey John." He looked up at the sound of my voice. "I'm gonna get you!!" He squealled in excitment, screaming about a monster, jumping up and running.
♠ ♠ ♠
As I was writing this, my little brother literally went "Leeeeeeeeena!!!!!!" I busted out laughing cuz my first thought wasJust keep typing, ignore him, ingore him XD


SO COMMWNT PLEASAE!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

So yea, it's short but i'm litterally typing this 2 seconds before I have to jump in the car and drive to my grandparent's house for 3 days with no internet. sorry guys! :(

BTW guys if you want to see John's picture, here it is: