Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter One

"Woah, slow down guys!"



This statement I had to keep repeating every ten minutes. Why? Because I was a dog walker. And not just any dog walker either. You may have seen me in the tabloids, early ones with headlines such as ‘Who’s that girl?’ or ‘Fans so dedicated they stand at doorsteps’. Well, the thing is, unlike the paparazzi, I had a reason to be standing there. And not because I was a dedicated fan either. It’s because I’m a celebrity dog walker, which the paparazzi sooner or later eventually found out once they saw I came out of every celebrity’s house with a dog or two. This was my family’s business actually, my mother owning it. My father’s not too much of a dog fan, so he stays out of it as much as he can. Which is probably a good idea on his part. I, on the other hand, have to work for my mother. While she stayed at the place I guess you could call ‘play place’ for the dogs, I was out doing all the hard work, which was actually walking the dogs. Not that I have a problem with it though, because I love dogs.



"Stop guys, we’re here," I told the dogs, referring to the house we were at to pick up the next dog. Great, now I was going to have to walk SIX dogs at once. Fun.



I walked up to the door and knocked. When no one answered, I knocked again. After that I managed to notice the note hanging on the door:



The door in unlocked, you can pick up the dog inside.



Believe it or not, that’s all the note said. Straight to the point, which I could deal with. I just decided to take the note, so they’d know I got it, and opened the door. The house was nice, but then again all celebrities house’s were. I didn’t know which celebrity’s house this was, though. I did now that they were a new client.



Just then a dog, golden retriever to be exact, came running up to me.



"Hi," I said to the dog, petting it and checking it’s name tag. It read ‘Elvis’. "Hi Elvis." When I said his name, the dog wagged his tail. Just then I heard a loud bang.



"Hello?" I called out, as Elvis went running towards the sound. I decided to follow, to see who it was. Soon enough I was in the sitting room. When I got in the room I noticed a guy over by the window with short curly hair, I’m guessing fixing it. I couldn’t see his face, since he was turned the other way.



"Hello?" I repeated, making the guy jump and turn around from working on the window.



"Hey," He responded, then noticed the other dogs with me. "Oh, you must be the new dog walker."



"Yeah," I replied, then asked, "Do you work here?"



"Uh, yeah," He said, "I guess you could say that. I’m Nick, by the way," He stated, walking over to me so he could shake my hand.



"Um, Dawn," I said, shaking his hand. Okay, I lied, but I’d only ever probably see him once since he was just fixing a window. He didn’t need to know my real name, which was Kendall. My middle name was Dawn, so at least it was part of my name.



"It’s so nice to meet you, Dawn," He said suspiciously, as if he knew I was lying about my real name. But so what if he did.



"You too," I said back, then said, "Well, I really should be going, I have some dogs to walk," I said, while motioning to the dogs.



"Oh yeah," He said laughing, then added, "Take good care of Elvis." I just nodded as I hooked Elvis on his leash. I then headed to the door with the dogs and walked out. But as I was walking down the driveway of the house to get to the sidewalk, I couldn’t help but wonder.



How did he know the dog's name if he just worked there?
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Here's the first chapter of the story! Message, comment, anything to let me know what you think. I won't update again until I have at least one comment or subscriber. Please let me know! :)