Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Twelve

It was so beautiful. The place we were eating at was along the water. You could eat inside and look out or outside and have the view all around you. I should’ve known Nick would have the reservation made outside, since he was sweet and romantic. I wasn’t complaining though, I was actually hoping we would sit outside.



"Oh my gosh...." I whispered, hoping Nick wouldn’t hear me as we began to look at the menus. He did though.






"It’s nothing, just...." I trailed off, trying to find the right words, "I didn’t bring enough money to even afford even half of the cheapest meal on the menu."



"Don’t worry about it," he said, smiling a little, "I’ll cover it. So order whatever you’d like."



I was about to object, but I didn’t want to start an argument, so instead I said, "Thank you."



As soon as we gave the waiter our orders, Nick ordering the same as I did (how courteous!), we started conversation.



"So, have you always lived here?" Nick asked, "in California, I mean."



"No. We moved here from Pennsylvania when my mom wanted to ‘extend the business'," I said, taking a sip of my water.



"Wow. That’s a long commute," he said.



"Yeah, but not too much of a big deal," I said, shrugging it off, "but now instead of walking the neighborhood dogs, I walk celebrity dogs, like yours for example," I said, smiling.



He smiled as the waiter finally came with our food. We continued to talk here and there as we ate. Soon enough we finished though.



"Would you like to dance?" I asked Nick, being bold, and then gesturing to the other couples who were.



"Um, no, I don’t," he said politely. I nodded.



"I know what you’re saying. I’ve never danced in front of anyone either," I said.



"No, it’s not that. I don’t as in, I can’t. I can’t dance," he said, looking down, embarrassed.



"Anybody can dance," I said, smiling. "If I can, then you can. So c’mon."



I then stood up, grabbing his hand to bring him with me. Once we to the dance floor, I put my arms around his neck as he put his on my waist.


"See, you’re not that bad," I said, as we swayed back and forth to the music.



"I guess not," he said, smiling, which caused me to smile too. I then laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead.



We then danced under the stars for what seemed like hours, when in reality it was only about ten minutes, give or take a few.



But if I had to say, it was one of the most romantic nights of my life.



It’s gonna be love,

It’s gonna be great,

It’s gonna be more than I can take,

It’s gonna be free,

It’s gonna be real,

It’s gonna change everything I feel,

It’s gonna be sad,

It’s gonna be true,

It’s gonna be me, baby,

It’s gonna be you, baby,

It’s gonna be.....

It’s gonna be love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so a few things for this chapter... First off, aw! It's so sweet and romantic! I loved writing it. Second, anyone have any guesses on what this chapter of the story was inspired by? I kind of recreated a scene from one of my favorite movies, and if any of you are romantic saps like I am, you may know what it is. Hint is that the song at the end is in the movie. Whoever guesses right first will get a reward of some kind... I'm not quite sure yet what, but something. Maybe you can tell me what you'd like your reward to be when you guess. This chapter is dedicated to jesstierney, Chasing Stars, and somebody_who_cares for commenting! Thanks to somebody_who_cares for being a new person to tell me they're reading the story. Or at least I'm pretty sure they're reading it, if that's what :] means. But I thank you for taking the time and commenting. I love hearing from new readers. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think. :)