Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Thirteen

In class on Monday, Nick kept smiling at me. The strange thing is I have no idea why. But he kept on smiling, as if I was supposed to know what it meant. But I didn’t.



When I was just about to ask him what his deal was, he passed me a note. I opened it up:


Meet me across from room 458 at 12:00.



I thought about it. Room 458 was one of the science rooms in the fourth building. Why would he want me to meet him there?





I wrote that down, and passed it back to him.






The rest of the classed until we were free to leave for lunch, which was 12:00, when Nick wanted me to meet with him, all went by with a blur. Why? Because I was trying to think of what Nick wanted me to meet him for.



When the time finally came, I practically ran to the fourth building, running through the halls to room 458. When I finally got there, Nick wasn’t there. So I stood across from the room for about a minute until I felt someone grab my hand and pull me. I realized it was Nick when I looked at him.


"Nick what are you-" I started, but I didn’t get to finish, as he opened the door to a storage closet, going in and pulling me in as well.



As soon as he shut the door, I felt his lips on mine, desperately wanting contact. After a minute I started kissing back, making him smile into the kiss. He then lifted me up, pushing my back against the wall and making me put my legs around his waist. He put his hands on my waist, as mine went around his neck, pulling him closer to me. After five minutes he pulled away so we could catch our breath, and then he started trailing kisses down my neck. I let out a moan as he kissed my sweet spot, which caused him to smirk.



"Oh, what, you think it’s funny?" I asked, getting him to look at me. As soon as he did I then started kissing his neck, until I got a moan from kissing his sweet spot. Since he thought it was funny, I decided to give him a hickey there, which caused him to moan louder. This was fun.


After I did I then brought my lips back up to his, but instead of kissing him I bit his bottom lip.



"You’re such a tease," he mumbled, as he forcibly placed his lips on mine.



"You started it," I mumbled, smirking.



Then the worst thing that could’ve happened, happened. The door was opened.



We must of been leaning against it, because as soon as it was opened, Nick and I went tumbling out onto the floor, him on top of me.



Mrs. Atkins, one of the science professors, was standing there with a smirk on her face.



"Young love, " she said, shaking her head, "You’re free to go this time. But don’t let it happen again." And with that, she walked away.



Nick and I looked at each other and then burst laughing. We could both agree on one thing.



That was embarrassing!
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Here's the hot and heavy chapter I said about jesstierney! Or at least what I think it is anyway. Sorry if any of you think this chapter is inappropriate. I promise you that this is as heavy as I'll get, I won't go any farther in any future chapters or anything. If I do, there will be no descriptions of it. Kendall is under the characters page, if you want to know what she looks like. This chapter is dedicated to somebody_who_cares and Chasing Stars for commenting! You commenters keep me going, without you I wouldn't have posted. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)