Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Fourteen

In class the next morning, I felt like everyone kept staring at me. I mean, their eyes were literally burning through my skin. What made it worse was that Nick wasn’t here again. Just perfect.



"Okay, what?" I just blurted out, looking at the one girl who was glaring at me, named Katie. I think she liked Nick, as if her staring at him all the time wasn’t a clue.



"Nothing," she said non-chantely, but I could still hear the anger in her voice.



"Really?" I asked sarcastically, "Then why do you keep glaring at me?"



"Because of what you and Nick did," she stated, scoffing.



"And what did Nick and I do?" I asked. She gave me a pointed look, and I soon realized what she meant. Oh my god.



"Who told you that?" I asked, disgusted. "I would never do that, let alone in a closet, and Nick wouldn’t either. You of all people should know that he has a purity ring!"



She just narrowed her eyes, and went back to the paper she was working on.



I was so talking to Nick about this.






When I got to the Jonas house so I could walk Elvis, no one was there. When I was walking Elvis back however, Nick’s car was in the driveway.



"Nick?" I called out, as I entered the house, hoping for a response. As I unhooked Elvis from his leash, I didn’t get one. Just silence.



I looked at Elvis, seeing if he would do anything, while he just gazed back at me. But then he started heading up the stairs, so I decided to follow.



As we made it up into the upstairs hallway, I could faintly here music playing. Elvis headed toward the noise, which I soon discovered was coming from the room that was the second door on the left side.



Elvis nudged the door open with his head. I was greeted with Nick laying on the bed, with his eyes closed, listening to his ipod. I’m surprised he hasn’t gone deaf by now, because that’s the music I heard playing, and I could hear it from down the hall.



And from what I could tell, he didn’t look sick. So why wasn’t he in class?



I looked at Elvis and raised my eyebrows, while he just wagged his tail. I decided to mess with Nick a little.



I went over to his dresser, which I could hide behind without him seeing me. I then picked up one of Elvis’ toys laying on the floor, and threw it at him, quickly hiding behind the dresser before he could see me. I heard a loud ‘thump’ as he fell onto the floor. When I looked back at him a minute later, he was back to his original position. What the heck? I hope he didn’t think Elvis threw that at him.



I found on of his shoes next and threw that at him as well, which caused him to scream this time. I couldn’t hold in my laughs, it was just too funny.



"Oh my gosh," I managed to say as I laughed, coming out of hiding, "you should scream more often. That is just too funny!"



He glared at me playfully as he took the headphones out of his ears.



"Haha. Hilarious," he said sarcastically. "Why are you here?"



"Well, let me see here. I have the job of walking your dog everyday, that might have something to do with it," I said sarcastically. "But the better question is: why weren’t you in class today? Trying to avoid me?"



"No," he said, a hurt look on his face, "why?"



"Oh, I don’t know...." I trailed off, "It’s just that this Katie girl thinks we had sex in the closet we were in yesterday, and I’m pretty sure that the rest of the school thinks that as well."



"What?!" He exclaimed, shock written all over his face, "That’s not what happened! How did they even find out we were in there?!"



"I don’t know," I said, "but everyone kept staring at me. And you never answered me, how come you weren’t there?"



"We had a last-minute interview this morning," he answered, "everyone decided to go get something to eat since we missed lunch, but I decided to come back here. So that’s why no one else is here."



"Oh," I said, feeling stupid, then got back to the current crisis on hand, "anyway, now everyone’s saying that. What if someone leaks it to the press?"



Nick’s eyes widened. I guess he hadn’t thought about that. He then looked at me and must of noticed the worried look on my face, because he opened his arms.



"Come here," he said, motioning for me with his arms. I laid down on his bed and crawled into his awaiting arms. I looked up at him, which he then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.



"We’ll deal with it when the time comes," he said, then reassured me, "everything’s going to be fine."



But what he didn’t realize then was that he would turn out to be wrong.


Oh so wrong.
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Leave you in suspense at the end of this chapter... what's going to happen? I'd love to hear your guesses. And ha, that girl at the beginning, is actually a girl I know in real life. I put her as a mean character in the story because she gets on my nerves! She's in my one class, and loves Nick and think she knows everything about him. Ugh, I'm always like 'Really?', when she starts talking about him. But I made her annoying in this story, which made me feel better, lol. I like how I put Elvis in this chapter too. I wish I had a dog like him. :) This chapter is dedicated to Chasing Stars, somebody_who_cares, and NICKnEMMA4ever for commenting. Extra thanks to NICKnEMMA4ever, for being a new commenter. I appreciate you guys' comments. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)