Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Fifteen

It started out unnoticed at first.

But then as the week drew on, I started to notice. The feeling of someone watching me, the slight clicking noises every minute or two. I didn't even take it out of the ordinary. Or that is until I noticed a flash. It was then that I figured out what it really was.


They were following me as I walked the dogs. I knew they were, because when I turned around the one time I caught a glimpse of one. At first it wasn't too bad. But that was until today. They decided to try a different motive.

"Kendall! Kendall! Are you dating Nick Jonas?" The one asked, getting rightup in my face. Speaking of Nick, I was currently trying to get to his house to drop Elvis off. But with the paparazzi, I was kind of having a little trouble with that.

I kept silent as another one came up and asked another question.

"Kendall! Did you dognap Elvis?" They asked. Are they serious? What kind of question is that?

"No, I just walk him," I said, stating the truth. Knowing them they'll probably twist the statement. Elvis was starting to take notice on how annoying they were being, because he was starting to growl.

What happened next I'm not too sure how it did. But I ended up tripping and falling, causing me to fall on my hands and knees. Elvis' leash was around my wrist, so I had a hold of him.

"oooo...." I said, looking ay my hands to see scrapes and blood. My knees were probably the same way. And when I looked, I was proven correct. It made holes in the knees of my jeans as well. Just perfect.

When I looked up, all the paparazzi were gone. I figured out why when I noticed Elvis barking and growling.

"Thanks," I said to him, petting him with the tips of my fingers since my hands were covered with blood.

We then made the rest of our way to Nick's house.

When we got inside, I unhooked Elvis' leash with stinging hands.

I looked around and listened for anything.

Nothing. Why is no one ever home?

But when I listened again I could faintly hear a t.v.

"Hello?" I called, since I wasn't sure who was here.

I cautiously walked into the den. But I relaxed when I saw Nick sitting on the couch, watching t.v.

"Why are you always here by yourself?" I asked, honestly wondering why.

When he tore his eyes from the t.v. to look at me, his eyes widened.

"What happened?" He asked, getting up and walking over to me. When I showed him my hands, he gasped, lightly holding them palms up.

"Let's just say this turned out a lot worse then you said it would," I said, "the paparazzi followed me while I was walking Elvis, and on the way back I ended up tripping and falling. Causing this." I motioned to my hands and knees.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't think it would get this bad."

"It's fine, you didn't know it would happen," I said, smiling a little to reassure him.

"Well, c'mon, let's get you cleaned up," he said, gently taking my wrist and leading me to a bathroom that was down the hall. He began rifling through the cabinet above the sink until he found what he was looking for. As he was doing this, I sat on the counter beside the sink.

"Now this is going to sting," he said, taking a cotton ball with disinfectant and rubbing it on the cuts on my hands. I held in my breath as he did so with my knees as well.

As soon as he put all of the bandages on, he spoke. "I'm so sorry this happened to you baby. I hate to see you hurt." He then took the palms of my hands and kissed them gently.

"It's alright now, you made them all better. Thank you," I said, kissing him sweetly. When I pulled away, he looked at me and kissed me a second time, lasting longer than the first.

"I'll fix this," he said, putting his hand on my cheek and stroking it with his thumb. "I promise. We'll figure this out."

"That's a big promise to keep," I mentioned, "but even if it is, I have faith in you. I believe you."

"Nick! We're home!" I heard Joe yell obnoxiously, which made me laugh and Nick roll his eyes.

"Let's go and tell them, so we can figure this out," Nick said, smiling and giving me a third kiss, before helping me off the counter.

We then made our way into the den to join everyone else.
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Aw, I hope you like this chapter. Five comments! That's a record! Ha, not really, but it sure seems like it. At least after one chapter. And it doesn't help that it was after the 'hot and heavy' chapter either. Do you really like when I write like that? I felt awkward writing it, but you guys liked it, so I guess it's okay. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to somebody_who_cares, NICKnEMMA4ever, jesstierney, Chasing Stars, and sarah3044 for commenting. Thanks, I appreciate it. The ending is coming soon, but it's not this chapter. But I'm thinking about rewriting it, because I kind of rush things. There's just so many thoughts in my head that I'm not able to write them all down on paper. But none the less, the reason I'm telling you this ahead of time is in case I don't get to edit it. So I'm saying this ahead of time: sorry if the ending sucks. :( But don't worry, this chapter isn't the ending one. :) I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)