Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Sixteen

As soon as we told everyone the whole story, Denise had a look of concern on her face, Kevin Sr. looked angry (which I'll be honest and say that I was scared to death to say anything else to him, in fear of what he would do), Kevin looked pissed (which, quite frankly, I was quite afraid of too), while Joe and Frankie looked like they weren't even paying attention. Frankie I wasn't so surprised at; he probably got tired of listening, but as for Joe; go figure.

"I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this," Denise said, "for getting injured and being followed."

I smiled at her for reassurance that it was fine. I didn't want her feeling bad for something that wasn't even her fault.

Kevin Sr. and Kevin talked in hushed tones, like they were sharing a secret. About what, I wasn't sure.

"Hey, Kendall," Joe said, getting my attention and making me look at him, "did you see our Bounce video?"

"No..." I trailed off, looking at Nick.

"You probably wouldn't want to see it," Nick said, and I could tell he was blushing just talking about it, "it's kind of stupid...."

"Hmm...." I said, looking at him and then at Joe, "it sounds like Nick does something embarassing, so I'll watch it."

I got up off of Nick's lap where I was sitting and went over to the couch where Joe was with his laptop. I sat down next to him, and looked at the screen as Joe hit play on the video. As soon as it was over, I smiled.

"Well?" Joe asked, looking at me expectantly.

"That was pretty beastin', if I do say so myself," I said. Joe and I bumped knuckles, and then I laughed.

"Alright!" He exclaimed, "We got a beastin'! See Nick, I told you it was awesome!"

"What does that word even mean?" Nick asked, as soon as I went back over to him.

"Cool, amazing, awesome..." I trailed off, "all of those words and more, combined." I sat back down on his lap.

"Okay, since all of this has happened, we need an idea," Kevin Sr. spoke up, getting everyone's attention, "to get the paparazzi to stop bothering about Nick and Kendall."

"Oh, I know!" Joe exclaimed, getting us all to look at him, "how about Nick and Kendall stay in the house until all of this blows over."

"I just told you your video was beastin', and now you're saying that Nick and I stay on house arrest?" I asked increduously.

"Well, what do you suggest?" Joe asked, getting everyone to look at me. Talk about being put in the spotlight.

"I don't know..." I said, "doesn't everyone hate the paparazzi? Like all celebrities? They make a living off of what famous people do everyday, like when they're out, right? So what if we get all celebrities to stay in for a day? There wouldn't be any news for them to use, meaning it'd be like going against the paparazzi...." I trailed off, looking at all of them. They all looked like they were taking the idea into consideration.

"That's a great idea!" Nick exclaimed, being the first of us to speak up, "If we do that, then maybe they'll get the hint of leaving us alone. And not just us, but all celebrities."

"Would we be able to pull that off?" Kevin asked, looking at his father. We then all turned to look at Kevin Sr.

"I'll start making some calls," he said, before walking into the kitchen. Denise followed him, while the rest of us looked at one another.

"So does that mean we're doing this?" I asked no one in particular.

"I think so," Nick answered, "or we're at least trying anyhow."

I wonder how this will turn out....
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Sorry for the delay. I'm trying to save the last chapters, since I've barely started the sequel. But I just decided to go ahead and post; but just so you know that means it'll probably take longer for the sequel to get posted. I've been having a bit of a writer's block lately. :( But anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Beastin'! That's my new word! I heard people using it in school, and I like it. So, yeah, I decided to share it with you people in this chapter. The Bounce video, posted a while ago, but I had an instant thought on it. So, I decided to put it in the chapter too. Don't get too excited about the paparazzi idea, people on Quizilla did when I posted it on there and it didn't turn out like most people expected. So it most likely won't turn out like what you're expecting either. I'm just letting you know so I don't disappoint you with the next chapter. Enough of my rambling though! This chapter is dedicated to Chasing Stars, NICKnEMMA4ever, somebody_who_cares, jesstierney, and the time of our life for commenting. I appreciate it! Extra thanks to the time of our life for being a new commenter and reader! I hope you all like this chapter! Let me know what you think! :)