Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Seventeen

So in order to go on with the plan, I decided to go home. Since I’ve been at Nick’s house practically everyday, I thought it would be nice to go home for once.




"Mom?" I called, as soon as I walked into the house. My house was, I guess what you could call, average-sized. It was no where near the size of Nick’s.




When no one answered, I walked into the kitchen. I went to the fridge, looking at her work schedule. Oh, right. She worked today.




Just then the doorbell rang. It couldn’t have been my mom because she had a key. I walked back to the front door and opened it.




"Hey," I said to Nick, giving him a mischievous look, "what are you doing here?"




"What, can’t I come and visit you?" He asked, giving me a quick kiss on the lips as I let him in.




"No, I never said you couldn’t. But what about the plan?" I asked, as I led him into the living room. He shrugged it off.




"Can you really picture that working? All I can picture that doing is getting us more attention, not less," he said honestly.




"Yeah, I guess you’re right," I said after a moment.




"So, where are your parents?" He asked, then added jokingly, "Or do you live by yourself?"




"Do I not look capable of living by myself?" I asked him jokingly back, but then said, "I live with my mom. Her and my dad divorced, which is one of the reasons we moved here. Another reason was to expand the business. She manages one here, which is where she is now, while my dad manages one back in Pennsylvania. And the reason I moved here was because of school."




"Wow, and all I was looking for was the answer of ‘they’re not here,’" he said sarcastically, "but thanks for telling me all of that. I now know more about you."




"Sorry. I tend to ramble," I admitted.




"I’m sorry you parents are divorced though," he said, "that must suck."




"It has its moments," I said, "at least I know they’re not lying to me by staying together. Because then it wouldn’t be a truthful relationship."




I then stood up, since we had both taken a seat on the couch. I grabbed his hand, "c’mon, I want to show you the house."








After showing him around, which only took a good five to ten minutes, I led him to my room. Once inside, I let him look around.




"What’s this?" He asked, going to the one wall where I placed a world map. It took up most of the wall, and I had red and green pins placed at different locations.




"This is my map," I explained, "all of the red pins are where I have been, and all the green pins are where I want to go."




He nodded, analyzing all of them. "I’ve been to most of the green places. Since we go on World Tours, we hit a lot of places."




"Well aren’t you lucky," I commented, "Hopefully some time I’ll be able to go to those places too."




He looked at me and smiled, "You will. I’ll take you to all of these places, I promise."




"How can you be so sure that we’ll stay together?" I asked curiously, "You seem so positive."




"Because Kendall," he started, "I know that we’ll be together. The reason being because..."




He trailed off as I waited for him to continue.




"Because what, Nick?" I asked, butterflies erupting in my stomach.




"Because I love you, Kendall," he finally said, getting closer to me, "and I couldn’t picture myself with anyone else."




I held my breath, not sure if I just heard him correctly. He just told me he loved me. Me, Kendall. I looked at him.




"Are you sure this isn’t just puppy love?" I asked him, still not believing it, "Because I think I feel the same way. But how do you know if it’s real love, Nick?"




"This is true love, Kendall," he said, "if you feel the same way. How do you feel when you see me? Or when we kiss?"




It took me a moment to answer. After I thought about it, I said, "When I see you, butterflies go off in my stomach. I feel like I couldn’t be happier." I paused, before continuing, "And when we kiss, I feel like I’m being shocked over and over again. Or like someone keeps setting off fireworks near me. An unlikely feeling."




"I feel the same way," he said, smiling, and placing his forehead against mine, "and that’s how I know that it’s true love. I love you Kendall."




"I love you too, Nick," I said, smiling, "and I’m sure of it."




He grinned like a fool before kissing me, shocking me into overdrive.




And that’s how I knew he was right.




This was definitely true love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, the end. :) Kind of spontaneous, but oh well. I told you to not get too excited over the paparazzi idea; I hinted as much as I could without giving it away. So it fell through. :( But I'll be honest and say it was because I had no idea how that would be able to happen in real life. I mean, I'm trying to keep this story as real as possible. Besides that fact that Nick's falling for a girl named Kendall. :D But otherwise, can you blame me for cancelling the idea?
So, few things to discuss. First, towards the end of this one, around the part where Kendall was explaining the map to Nick; that part was inspired by one of my favorite movies. Any guesses? Hint is it stars Julia Styles. The first person who guesses correctly will have a short story dedicated to them; I've decided that's what rewards will be to the questions I ask from now on. And don't worry Chasing Stars, I'm working on yours, I promise! Secondly, there is going to be a sequel. It might be a while until I post it, dealing with the fact I haven't written much of it, but none the less, there will be one. I'll post another thing after this chapterto let you know when I do post it, so if you want to read it, stay subscribed. If not, well that's your choice.
Lastly, dedications. This chapter goes out to Chasing Stars, the time of our life, jesstierney, NICKnEMMA4ever, and somebody_who_cares for commenting. Thanks to all of you who have commented throughtout the story! I truly appreciate it. Let me know your thoughts on this ending chapter, the sequell; anything you're curious about. Or if you have any thoughts for the sequel that you'd like me to include, I'd love to hear them. And I'll give you credit at the end of the chapter I use your thought in if I'm able to.
Thanks again to all of you who read, commented, and subscribed. :) Hope you enjoy this last chapter! :)