Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Four

You know how things happen that seem to be just ironic to you. I guess you could say like a coincidence. Yes, that’s exactly what it’s called, a coincidence. And do you want to know what was a coincidence? It happened in my first class of the morning, which was a writing class. It didn’t happen when I first entered the classroom, (which by the way was an auditorium-type room) but after I was sitting in my seat for five minutes, waiting for class to start.



"I didn’t know that you went here," someone said, sitting in the seat beside me. When I looked up, I was shocked to see who was sitting there.



"Well I do. In fact, why are you asking me when I should be asking you? I didn’t even know you were old enough to be in college, let alone go here," I said, giving the person, who turned out to be Nick, a questionable look, "And there are assigned seats, you know."



"I just turned seventeen," he said, like stating a fact, "I was able to graduate earlier since I was home schooled. I’m not quite sure why you’re here, though," he said, while analyzing me, "And I know there are assigned seats, I’m in mine. So you’re lucky, because you get stuck beside me."



"Well then, aren’t you a smart pickle," I said jokingly, "Unlike you, I graduated like an average person would. I’m eighteen, so that makes me able to go here. I’m a whole year older, oh I so have this over you," I stated, smiling at the end. He looked at me as if he didn’t quite believe me, and was about to respond to that, but just then the teacher walked in, so the class was ready to begin.



"Alright students," Mrs. Daily started, looking at all of us, "It’s good to see you all here this morning. Firstly, I would like to point out we have a new student joining us, Nick Jonas," she said, pointing out Nick for everyone to see. Was he gonna have it since he was famous and new. "It’s a pleasure to have you here, so welcome."



"Thank you," he said politely, which I wasn’t quite buying. I raised an eyebrow at him.



"Alright then, students. Not that I’ve made the introduction, I would like to tell you about today’s class. I’m going to have all of you write a paper," she said, making everyone groan, except for Nick and I, "But to do so, I figured you could use the inspiration, since I’ll just make this one a simple free write. So we’re going outside on the beach. It’ll help you think up of something for your paper. So grab your things and follow me outside."



I may not of mentioned this before, but there was a beach practically next door to the school building and dorms. Even though it was in the middle of September, it was still warm out because it was California. I was happy that we got to go outside, I loved when Mrs. Daily had inspirations, which she seemed to have quite a lot of. But hey, you’ll never know when you’ll get inspired. She was a spontaneous teacher, which could be fun to have.



As we walked out of the school building and off campus, I lost sight of Nick. Oh well, knowing him he probably had the perfect place to go on the beach.



When we got there, pretty much everyone took all of the spots where the trees were, most likely to shade themselves from the sun. So I decided to go by this one huge boulder towards the one end of the beach. From there you could look out at everything, while nobody else paid any real attention to you. As I sat down, I tried to think of something to write about. Were we supposed to write about something inspiring from the beach? I didn’t really know, so I just started doodling in the notebook that I brought along, until I thought of something.






The class was an hour long, so about 45 minutes later the teacher called us in so we could head back to the building on time. You want to know what I accomplished? Nothing. Or wait, no I did, I made a sketch of a tree and drew a picture of this one dog that I walk frequently named Spike. Other than that, no writing done. When Mrs. Daily came around to check our progress, I had to pretend I was writing. Maybe I should of took a drawing class.... but then again when I looked at the pictures they kind of sucked. Oh well. I’ll try to go back to the beach later and write about something.



"...... a lot of you were able to accomplish something," Mrs. Daily was saying. Ooops, I wasn’t listening. "The paper will be due tomorrow, between two to five pages. But don’t worry, it can be about anything that was inspiring on the beach or even something you thought of while you were there. Hopefully you got something accomplished so you won’t have as much work tonight. When you hand it in it must be typed 12 font, double spaced, and in a folder or portfolio. If not, points will be taken off." And to think I was going to hand it in hand written.



By the time she was done stating all of this, we were back at the school building, ready to go to the next class. I guess Nick bailed, because I haven’t seen him, and didn’t see him right now with the rest of the students standing here.



"The paper is due first thing at the beginning of class tomorrow morning. So be sure to have it done," Mrs. Daily concluded, then walked back into the building to the classroom. The rest of the students, including me, headed off to our next class of the day.



I probably shouldn’t have doodled, because now I’ll have a lot of work to do tonight.
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Story is slowly progressing, but I'm not complaining. Not as much feedback as the Amusement Park story though. Oh well. This chapter is dedicated to jesstierney, for being a new commenter; xxxluckyluckyxxx, for being a continuous commenter (which I am exteremely thankful for, thank you); and sarah3044, who was the first commenter. Not sure what she thought about the last chapter, but as long as she's reading this, that's okay. Hope you three enjoy this chapter, and the other two subscribers who have yet to comment. Enjoy! :)