Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Five

Apparently, people weren’t taking the news of Nick being here to well. Because as I was walking to my third class, I saw Nick in the hallway, being harassed. I guess it didn’t matter if he was a celebrity, but then again most of the kids that go here probably haven’t even heard of the Jonas Brothers; let alone know they were famous.



"Look here, it’s the pretty boy that thinks he’s smart enough to go here," Duke, one of the meathead jocks, said, shoving Nick. I decided to cut in.



"So what if he’s going here?" I asked Duke, stepping in between him and Nick, "It’s more of a shock that you were able to get in." As soon as I said that all of his jock friends started laughing, and Nick did as well.



"Shut up," Duke said to his friends, then to Nick, "Nice, you have a girl fight your battles for you," then finally to me, "stay out of this spring flower." That wasn’t my last name, in fact it was Bloom. He just thought he was so clever saying that. Note the sarcasm.



"I’m not fighting his battles, I’m only trying to stop this," I said to Duke, to answer for Nick. "And I’ll only stay out of this when you make me, birdie," I said, doing the same thing he did to me back. His last name was Hawk. I can be just as clever as him. Nick laughed at my remark.



Anger flashed through his eyes, and the next thing he did I wasn’t expecting. He pushed me, hard, making me hit the wall. I was about to shove him back, but in that next moment I saw Nick get back at him for me, by punching him in the face. When he did that it made a loud cracking noise. I hissed. I didn’t like the noise, which I’m pretty sure was Duke’s jaw.



"Alright, break it up," a professor said, walking up. "You two," he said, pointing to Nick and Duke, making me shocked that he didn’t point at me. "In the headmaster’s office, now! The rest of you can go to your next class."



He then started leading Nick and Duke away, leaving me flabbergasted.



I wasn’t expecting that to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short, but oh well. I hope you enjoy it, I decided to make something unexpected happen. Or at least it was to me, anyway. Let me know your thoughts, and thanks for the nine comments. I appreciate, that's five more than the last chapter had! Anyway, this story won't be that long, or at least not as long as my Amusement Park story will be. Don't ask how I know this, I just have a feeling it won't be. But I hope you enjoy it while it lasts. :)

Thanks to xxxluckyluckyxxx, sarah3044, and jesstierney for commenting. Without you, this story would've been taken down by now. And since you three are the only ones commenting, I'll give you something interesting to do. Spread the word on this story, and if you read the Amusement Park one, then that one too. Whoever tells the most people I will either A) Give a dedication to ONLY you for a chapter or B) I'll add you as a new character in the Amusement Park story or possibly to the sequel (if I write one) to this story. I personally think option B is the better one, but that's just my opinion. Oh, and you need to have proof, meaning that the people you tell have to contact me in some way (through message or commenting) saying you told them about the story. Otherwise, I won't believe you. Good luck to you three, and to anyone else new who decides to comment after this chapter, tough luck! You should have commented sooner! But I appreciate any new comments. :) I'll let this contest go for a week or so, let me know your thoughts on whether or not you want to do it. Hopefully you do, because otherwise this was pointless. Good luck! :)