Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Six

I looked down as I knocked on the door. It was Friday, so I was here at Nick's house to pick up Elvis. I haven't seen Nick since he was taken to the headmaster's office yesterday, and he didn't show up for classes today. Which is understandable, I guess.

Someone opened the door. "Hey Kendall," the person said, all cheery. I looked up, seeing Joe standing in front of me.

"Hey Joe," I said, "I'm here to pick up Elvis."

"Oh, right," he said, smiling. He then whistled, and not just any whistle, but the one where you use two of your fingers, making it really loud. So as soon as he did, I flinched, covering my ears. But it seemed to work, because sure enough I heard the click-clacking of paws against the tiled floor, signaling Elvis' arrival. I smiled as I spotted the furry canine, and stifled a laugh when I heard someone yell, "Joseph!"

Elvis already had his leash on, which I thought was odd, but then Joe saw my questionable look, and started to explain, "Nick already put his leash on so he'd be ready to walk when you got here."

"Oh," I said, grabbing his leash, then started to back away, "Okay, then I guess I should be going then...."

"Wait!" I heard someone exclaim from inside the house, immediately stopping me. I gave Joe another questionable look as I heard footsteps running to the doorway.

"Can I go with you?" The person asked, who turned out to be Nick. I raised an eyebrow.

"Sure?" I said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Great, let's go," he said, sliding through the doorway, passing Joe.

"Okay," I said. He then grabbed my hand and started walking, but I managed to wave bye to Joe.

"So, I haven't seen you since yesterday. What happen-" I started, but then I saw his hand. "Oh my gosh, you broke your hand!" I exclaimed, seeing his left hand with a cast on it.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you punch a guy in the jaw," he said, smiling a little.

"Did you get in trouble?" I asked, but it was kind of stupid to ask, because he most likely did.

"Yeah. But not that bad though. We just have to pay the medical bill," he said.

"I feel bad," I said, "how about you send me the bill? I mean, if I wouldn't have got involved it wouldn't have happened-" I started, but he cut me off.

"No, it would've happened. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know what was going to happen, so don't blame yourself," he said, stopping me and looking into my eyes sincerely, "besides, he deserved it. He shoved you. He didn't hurt you, did he?" he asked me, putting his good hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb.

"Maybe just a few bruises, nothing that won't heal in a day or two. Not as bad as your hand," I said, taking a hold of it, and tracing over the cast with my index finger. We had stopped walking, and by doing so we didn't realize but the dogs walked in circles around us, so when they moved next they pulled Nick and I closely together, tied up by the leashes. I didn't seem to mind this though, and apparently neither did Nick, seeing as he just stood there like it didn't happen, and put his good hand back to resting on the side of my face. He then started to lean in, as did I, our lips about to meet. But we were interrupted as the dogs started barking at us, bringing us back to reality.

We quickly untangled ourselves, and started walking again, like nothing happened.

Saved by the bark.
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Aw, I like this chapter. I was going to post it yesterday, but I wanted to see what you guys response to the contest was. Which wasn't a very good one, I might add, since only one of you decided to tell me you'd like to try it. But no worries, no worries. You can tell me whether or not you want to after this chapter. But since I'm not too sure, I'm going to let the two new commenters, bemypeterpan and Chasing Stars, join it if they want to. Just to restate it, the contest is to tell the most people about this story and/or my Amusement Park story if you read it. Whoever tells the most people, wins. And I need to have proof, meaning that the people you tell have to message or comment to tell me that you told them about it. Sorry, but I just want that so I can believe you. The winner gets A) A whole chapter dedicated to them for either story or B) Are added to one of the stories as a character, either the sequel to this one or a later chapter in my Amusement Park story. Your choice. Tell me whether or not you'd like to join in on it. It'll last for like a week or so, to see how many people you can tell. Good luck! And just so you other readers know, this chapter is dedicated to and who the contest applies to: Chasing Stars, xxxluckyluckyxxx, bemypeterpan, jesstierney, and sarah3044! Hope you all enjoy this chapter! :)