Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Seven

Monday soon rolled around, so here I was, back in my first writing class. But Nick was here today, which I was happy about for some reason. Mrs. Daily was handing our papers back that we turned in on Friday.

"Kendall, excellent work," she said, handing me my portfolio, "A ."

"Thanks," I said, then looked over at Nick. He had a look of shock written across his face.

"What?" I asked him, wondering why he was looking at me like that.

"How did you get an A on the paper when you didn't even write anything the whole class?" He asked, looking at me quizically. I widened my eyes. He was watching me when I was doodling; just when I thought no one was paying attention.

"You were watching me?" I asked him, a little amused. First he tried to kiss me and now I figure out he was watching me. Maybe this meant he liked me.

"What? Psh, no," he said, denying it, but not very believingly. I let it slide.

"Well, you got a..." I trailed off, looking at the folder he was holding, "B. That's pretty good too, for someone who spent most of there time watching me," I said, smirking at the end.

He just shook his head while a smile appeared on his face.

The teacher then dismissed us since it was the end of class.

"Hey," Nick said to me, before I could get too far away from him, "What are you doing after class later?"

"Let me see..." I trailed off, pretending to be in thought, "I believe I get to walk your dog again, Mr. Jonas. Such a shame that you don't do it."

"Hey, the dog walker was my parent's idea, not mine. I'd walk Elvis every day if I could."

"Yeah, right. I think of it as a more of 'would you rather' situation. Your's being,'Would I rather walk the dog or work on my music carrer?' That's a real tough one alright," I said, smiling about to walk away from him, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Okay, you're right. But after you're done walking him, would you like to stay for dinner?" He asked me, with hopeful eyes.

"Hmm, let me think about that...." I said, trailing off just to torture him. "Um, sure."

"Great. See you then," he said, walking away from me.

This is gonna be good, I hope.
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I love this chapter for some reason. It's just cute. :)
I have competitors (sp?) for the contest! Only two right now, but at least it's a challenge! So far Chasing Stars is in the lead, with having told two people. Or at least there's only two that I know of, so Chasing Stars, if there's more people you told, get them to tell me. jesstierney isn't too far behind, she has told one person! C'mon, jesstierney, you can do it! Tell more people you two, can't wait to see who wins! As for the rest of you, I'll give you until tomorrow to tell me whether you want to join the contest or not. If you don't, then it'll just be between jesstierney and Chasing Stars. Good luck!
This chapter is dedicated to Chasing Stars, sarah3044, xxxluckyluckyxxx, bemypeterpan, and jesstierney! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Comment and let me know your thoughts! :)