Sequel: A Trail to the Heart

Puppy Love

Chapter Nine

"That was nice," I said to Nick, as he was walking me home after dinner. "Wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be."



"Why would it have been bad?" Nick asked, smiling. "They loved you. LikeIdo," he said, saying the last part so quickly that I barely understood it. But I was able to make it out, and as soon as I did I smiled.



"What was that?" I asked him, smirking.



"Nothing. They loved you like I thought they would," he said, trying to cover up what he said.



"No, no. You said they loved me, like you do. So you love me, Nick?" I asked, still smirking. When he didn’t say anything, I added, "Well, I don’t know if I love you yet, but I definitely like you. A lot." That must have been what he wanted me to say, because it got him to look up.



"I like you a lot, too," he said, smiling. I smiled as he grabbed my hand, and pulled me to him, so that I was now leaning against him as we walked. And let me tell you, I could feel his increasing heartbeat radiate from his body to mine, which made me happy that I had caused that to happen. Mine was probably doing the same, because I saw his smile widen out of the corner of my eye.



Soon enough we got to my house; too soon for my liking.



"So...." I started, as we stood on the front porch, "I guess I’ll see you in class tomorrow."



"Yeah," he agreed, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.



"Alright, see you tomorrow," I said, turning around so that I was about to open the door, but he grabbed my arm and spun me back around so that I was facing him again.



"What are you-" I started, but he cut me off.



"Is it so bad that I want to kiss you goodnight?" He asked, looking at me hopefully.



"No," I said, barely a whisper. He heard what I said though.



He slowly leaned in, so I did as well. Our lips met in the most electrifying kiss that I had ever experienced, causing me to get lost in it and put my arms around his neck. He must of felt it too, because he gently put his hands on my waist.



When we pulled away, we were both breathless.



"Goodnight," he said, giving me on last peck on the lips before he pulled away completely.



"Goodnight," I repeated, before going inside and shutting the door behind me.



I had a huge grin on my face for the rest of the night.
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Aw, how about I just say that I think this whole story is cute. Becasue I think this chapter is cute too, like I've been saying about the other ones before it. They finally kiss! Yes! Ha, I'd appreciate if you let me know your thoughts. This chapter is dedicated to jesstierney and Chasing Stars for commenting. Oh, and speaking of Chasing Stars, you're the contest winner! Since you were able to tell the most people, and since jesstierney just told me she gave up in her last comment. :( I'm still sad about that, by the way, that jesstierney just gave up. :( But none the less, Chasing Stars, because you won. Okay, so I'm guessing you want the second choice, which is to be put into one of my stories. So which one do you want to be in, my Amusement Park story or the sequel to this one? Just comment or message to let me know, and I'll give you all the plans from there. :) Congratulations for winning! And I give a thanks to jesstierney for participating. :) Hope you both enjoy this chapter! :)