The Sixth Sense. Book One: Sight


•Memories... Beautiful memories. The gold silk fabric on the King sized bed looks amazing and familiar. The elaborately decorated ceiling contains images of surprising pictures ranging from a baby girl's life to her wedding to her staring at her husband's grave and then... her own grave. The inscription is impossible to read.
Sh... Shy... Shym... Shymono? What?
•"Shynara. It says Shynara." I turn startled by the closeness of Dako. How did I not feel his aura? Registering my panic, he starts to smile. He points to one of the pictures. "Do you recognize that face?"
•And I do. I recognize both of them. One is me and the other is Dako. His closeness doesn't bother me, but the fact that I didn't notice it does. "And just when does this imaginary wedding happen?"
•A solemn expression appears on his face and he says nothing. The air is suddenly really heavy. "Dako?"
•He smiles and pushes me down on the bed. "Dako! I have some questions for you, ya know."
•"Oh, right. Do I have to answer them?"
•"Uhm... yes."
•"Fine..." he says with a sigh. He lies down next to me and closes his eyes.
•"How long have I been here?"
•"Seven years."
•"How old am I?"
•"Twenty six."
•"I was seventeen when I went to blow up your organization..."
•"You were in a coma for two years."
•"You said I was in a coma because of the bonfire..."
•"That's where you tried to blow us up..."
•"How'd I get caught on fire?"
•"We knew you were an assassin for the opposing force."
•"How? I'm always careful."
•"You're forgetting I can tell your intentions."
•"I never talked to you."
•"You didn't need to."
•"Why did you lie about reading my mind?"
•"I didn't."
•"Then why do you always know what I'm thinking?"
•"Because I've been doing the same damn thing for seven years! The first time I had no idea what you were thinking, how could I? The second time I recognized your expressions but still didn't know the thoughts behind them. The third time it was infuriating and by the time we got to this point you suggested putting recordable contacts so it would be easier to convince you. The fourth time the contacts didn't convince you of anything because it was the same images, the same actions, it didn't prove anything. The fifth time you thought I was a crazy person and translated what you had been thinking at the time. The sixth time you agreed to marry me... and then seventh time is now. You never remember anything! It's a clean start everytime. Everytime, Shynara, everytime. We'll be happy, and then suddenly in February you go to sleep and don't wake up. In June you wake up again and it's the same over and over again. I get seven months with you, and seven months isn't enough to convince you to have a wedding. You agreed to marry me but last year you said you had to get to know me better. Is seven years enough for you? You'll never know me better... no matter how much you try."
•I was shocked at his outburst. I could hardly believe any of it. Marriage? Romance? I never liked the idea... I also don't like the idea of amnesia making all my training go to waste. He was in such a frenzy that I decided to give him a proposal. "If you can manage to woo me this time... I'll marry you in January. If not... I'm out of here. Okay?"
•Those eyes pierced through me, judging what my intent is. "Well... better get started then shan't I?"
•"Yeah yeah... do that after my shleppy time."
•I just closed my eyes in response. Shleppy time...
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Yes I put Romance... It's prolly not very good because I dislike writing about it :P
But it's there for the sake of the story... If you like it great if you don't sorry...