The Love of a Player

Chapter Five

Chapter Five (they are speaking German now)
Alexis’s POV
-4 years later-
Alexis: Kimberly!
A little girl of 4 ran to me and hugged my leg tightly. She has light brown hair with natural dirty blond highlights, chocolate brown eyes, and a light complexion. You can definitely tell from her mixed complexion that she has a white dad. She has his smile. And I know he would want that so I’m also teaching her German.
Kimberly: Yes mommy?
Alexis: Is your room clean?
Kimberly: Yes!
She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her poster clad room. I had to tell her who her father was, I just couldn’t keep that a secret. She has posters, CD’s; band t-shirts, anything with Tom’s face on it.
Alexis: Christmas is coming up in a week, are you excited?
Kimberly: Yes!
Alexis: Get ready so we can go see Auntie Olivia.
Kimberly: Ok mommy!
She got dressed in her white tights, a blue jean skirt, a Tokio Hotel shirt, and her black ugg boots. I pulled her hair that comes down to the middle of her back into a ponytail, then helped her into her white snow coat. I grabbed my coat and we left to go to Olivia’s apartment.
Olivia moved after I had Raven so that there would be room. We got there and I saw a black SUV parked in front of her apartment. That’s weird.
I walk inside and Kimberly begins to talk in German excitedly.
Kimberly: Mommy, look its daddy! Daddy! Daddy, I knew you would come back for me!
Alexis: Kimberly, I want you to go to the kitchen with Auntie Olivia. Now!
Kimberly followed Olivia into the kitchen.
Alexis: Hi Tom.
Tom: hi. Daddy? Why didn’t you tell me?
Alexis: I did you ass hole!
Tom stood up.
Tom: How old is she?
Alexis: She’s four.
Tom: You kept her from me for 4 years?
Alexis: When I found out I was pregnant I called you. Jost answered and said you were on stage and that you would call back. You never did so I called only to find out that your number had been changed. I sent letters, but they always returned to me unopened.
Tom: I never got those letters, and Jost never said you called.
Of course Jost would hide this, anything to save his precious career.
Tom: She looks just like me. And she has a Tokio Hotel shirt.
Alexis: Anything that has your face on it she has to have it. She said she wants a guitar for Christmas, ever since she saw you on TV, she has wanted one. I have already got her lessons, and she speaks fluent German.
Tom ( he was crying): Can I see her?
Alexis: Kimberly! Come say hi to daddy.
Kimberly ran out and jumped into Tom’s lap.
Kimberly: Does my German please you daddy? I learned just for you.
Tom couldn’t stop crying he smiled and kissed her little cheek.
Tom: Of course. I love you.
Kimberly: I love you too daddy.