The Love of a Player

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven
Alexis’s POV
I woke up feeling the sun’s rays shining down on me through the blinds in my room. I sat up and stretched then looked over to Tom’s side of the bed. He wasn’t there. I heard water running, so he must be in the shower. I got up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Tom: Babe is that you?
Alexis: Yea.
I finished brushing my teeth then went to Kimberly’s room. She was still sleeping. I closed the door then went downstairs to the kitchen, sat at the bar, and pulled my laptop towards me. I was looking at plane tickets for Germany when Tom came downstairs.
Tom: What are you doing?
Alexis: Looking at plane tickets.
Tom: You do know I have a private jet now right?
Alexis: No I didn’t.
Tom: Oh well yea. We can send your stuff to Germany, have my mom put it in storage until we get there, then fly out there when the jet comes back.
Alexis: Ok. I can’t believe Christmas is only a couple of days away.
Tom: Yea.
I closed my laptop then went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. Tom came in and stood behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
Tom: I’ll be right back ok?
Alexis: Ok.
He went to our room and shut the door. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down to watch TV. 30 minutes later Tom came out and sat beside me.
Alexis: What’s up?
Tom: It’s a surprise!
Alexis: I like surprises!
He smiled at me then pulled me closer to him. And hour later Kimberly came out of her room and curled up on the couch with us. It feels as if everything is falling into place. I spent the whole morning and afternoon at home with Tom and Kimberly. When 7 P.M. rolled around I got up and went to my room. Tom followed me and sat on the bed as I went through my closet for something to wear.
Tom: Where are you going?
Alexis: To work. I should be back by 3.
Tom: A.M.?
Alexis: Yes, I do work the bar at a club.
Tom: Oh ok.
I put on a pair black leather pants, a white bra, and a sheer, white tank top with puffy shirt sleeves. I zipped up my black leather boots then went to my bathroom to curl my hair and do my makeup.
Tom: You look sexy!
Alexis: Thank you baby!
I kissed him goodbye then left after grabbing my keys, phone and kissing Kimberly bye.
I got in my car and drove to club 40/40. I parked in front of the club then went up to the door. Marcus, the bouncer, let me in with a smile and a whistle and I walked up to the bar.
???: Can I buy you a rum and coke?
Alexis: Sure.
I walk behind the counter and make the drink.
Alexis: That will be $5.
???: Damn you’re the bartender. My name is Trey, what’s yours.
Alexis: it’s Alexis.
I sipped my drink then began to fill people’s orders.
Trey: Can I see you after work?
Alexis: No, you can’t.
Trey: Why not?
Yay I get to watch that little smirk drop form his pretty little face.
Alexis: I have a boyfriend and a 4 year old daughter.
He nodded then left. Sucker!
After 6 hours of pouring drinks, I was able to go home with my tips, $350. Not bad for a slow night. I drove home and stepped inside my warm apartment. I sat my keys on the counter then went to my room. I stripped off my clothes then took a shower and washed my hair since I smelled like an ash tray. I got dressed in a pair of short shorts and one of Tom’s oversized shirts and climbed into bed. I wrapped my arms around Tom’s waist and fell asleep with my head on his chest.
-12:00 P.M.-
I woke up the next morning to see Tom’s chocolate brown eyes looking at me.
Tom: Good morning beautiful!
Alexis: Good morning sexy!
I kissed his lips then got up to brush my teeth and pull my hair into a messy bun. I put on a pair of bleached blue jeans, an ice blue v-neck sweater, and my white ugg boots. I put some diamond studs in my ears then went into the kitchen to make some coffee.
Tom: Hey babe where are you going?
Alexis: I have to give guitar lessons at the community center remember, it’s just so I can make some extra money. Shit! I have to wake up Kimberly or we’ll be late, she’s part of my class.
Tom: Can I come watch the class?
Alexis: If you can be ready in 30 minutes.
Tom: I’ll be ready in 5.
I went to Kimberly’s room and got her up. She quickly brushed her teeth and got dressed in a beige skirt, white tights, beige ugg boots, and a jade green sweater. I left her hair down and helped into her coat. We all left and got in my car. We got McDonalds on the way to the center. We went into the building and walked to room 19. My class of 13 was waiting for me. Kimberly sat down wither guitar with the other students. I sat on my stool in front of everyone. We did a warm up then started to play some melodies. After a 2 hour session it was time to go home.
Alexis: Its 3 P.M. do you want to go get some lunch?
Tom: Yea sure, that was great!
Alexis: Thank you.
We got back in my car and drove to a Chinese place. While I ordered Tom’s phone rang.
Tom: Hey I’ll be back just order me whatever you get.
He raced out of the restaurant and down the street. Weird! We ate for about 45 minutes then finally Tom came back inside.
Alexis: What was that about?
Tom: It’s another surprise.
He kissed my cheek then began to eat. After Tom finished we went back home. Christmas is in 2 days and I need to pack but I don’t even have a place in Germany so what’s the use. Tom must have read my mind.
Tom: Hey I got the place in Germany covered, just pack your stuff.
I smiled, kissed his soft, full, pink lips and continued to pack.
I packed all of the dishes because we’re just going to order take out. I packed up everything except for some sleeping bags, the presents and tree, a toiletry bag, and some clothes for us to wear. Tom was laughing at me.
Tom: Damn baby when you set your mind to something you get it done. You’ve been working for ours, it’s Christmas Eve!
Alexis: Really? Where’s Kim?
Tom: She’s in her sleeping bag in our room. Come on let’s go to bed.
I let Tom lead me to our room. I changed in some sweats and a shirt and got on our makeshift pallet on the floor. Tom crawled under the cover s with me and held me against him.