The Love of a Player

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine
Alexis’s POV
Germany is so beautiful, especially when it’s snowing! We exited the airport to see screaming fans. I got a couple of hateful glares, but most of them were nice. One girl even came up and told me that Kimberly was cute and that Tom deserves his happiness. We hailed a taxi and drove to our apartment complex. It looked like those big complexes you would see in New York City, and the best part is that we get the pent house! We said “Hi” to the doorman then went up to our floor in the elevator. I took out our key and unlocked the door. It was so beautiful! Tom bought us all new furniture. The kitchen was black and red, the living room was green and jade green, the bathroom was white and baby blue, the master bedroom was blue and black, Kimberly’s room was purple and pink, the guest room was silver and white, and our music room and recording studio was done with white and baby blue couches and pillows, the walls were all glass, and had guitars everywhere!
Tom: Do you like it?
Alexis: Tomi I love it!
I jumped into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
Alexis: I love you so much!
Tom: By the way, look outside. It has a red bow on it.
I looked outside to see a smoky gray Bentley with a big red bow on the roof.
I kissed Tom then he handed me the keys.
Alexis: Thank you so much baby! You spoil me you know that right?
Tom: Yea I want to spoil you as much as I can.
Alexis: Why?
Tom: After New Year’s we’re going back on tour.
Alexis: Oh.
I walked over to the window and sat on the window seat. Tom came over to me and sat me on his lap.
Tom: Look at me.
He took his fingers and lifted up my chin.
Tom: Don’t worry baby. I gave up my old life for you and Kimberly. I promise I’m not going to mess that up. I want us to get married some day, I want another little one running around here, and I want to be able to make love to you and for you to trust me. I need you, and I’m not going to lose you.
I nodded my head as a couple of hot tears slid down my cheek leaving a trail of salt. Tom wiped my tears away with his thumb then kissed me long and passionately. He picked me up and carried me to my room and locked the door. He laid me on the bed and kissed me from my lips to my neck then back again.
Alexis: Wait where’s Kim?
Tom: In the music room, don’t worry she’s fine.
He slid my shirt off then kissed my bare stomach. I grabbed Tom’s shirt by the hem then pulled it up over his head along with his cap and beanie. I pulled his hair out of its rubber band as he undid my pants. He slid them off then undid his. He kissed me again then entered me. It hurt so bad I haven’t done this in 4 years, since Tom actually, for he was my first. Our bodies intertwined with each other as a sheet of sweat covered our bodies. Our breathing became fast and ragged, and just as we climaxed we shouted out to each other “I love you”. Tom kissed me then held me in his arms.
Alexis: I love you Tom.
Tom: I love you Alexis.
-1 week later-
Today is the day that I have to take Tom to the airport. I got dressed in some black leggings, a blue jean mini-skirt, a black v-neck, short sleeved shirt, with a white long sleeved shirt underneath it, and my black high heeled boots. I pulled my hair into a bun. I got Kimberly dressed in a pair of blue jeans, some yellow high top converse, and a white long sleeved shirt with a yellow short sleeved shirt over it. I straightened her hair then helped her into her coat. Tom was waiting for us in the living room. We walked out to the car then drove to the airport. We sat in one of the airport cafés and tried to spend as much time together before his plane left. Kim sat in Tom’s lap eating a chocolate doughnut. I sipped my coffee as I held onto Tom’s hand. He kissed my hand then gave it a squeeze.
Alexis: I’m gong to miss you Tomi.
Tom: I’m going to miss you too babe.
His flight was called so I walked him to the gate. Kim was crying and didn’t want to let go of her daddy. I was crying too, I didn’t want Tom to leave either but he had to. He kissed me goodbye and in that one long, sweet kiss filled with lust, passion, and desire, we said our goodbye. He bent down and kissed Kim on both cheeks and forehead then hugged her close his body.
Tom: I love you.
Alexis: I love you too.
And with that he was gone. He turned and walked through the gate and onto the plane. I stood there rooted to the spot, paralyzed as I watched his plane take off into the blue skies. How can the sky still be blue? How can the sun still be shining when Tom is gone? How, can my heart still be beating when he is no where near to hold my hand? Even though I knew he would be back and that I was holding my daughter’s hand in a now crowded airport, I felt totally and completely alone.

Kimberly and I made it home safe and sound. I was very surprised that I was able to see the road through my blurred vision. I’ve been crying ever since Tom left. Kimberly had fallen asleep in the car so I carried her to her room, changed her into her pajamas, and laid her in her bed. I tucked her in, turned off the light, and closed the door. I went into my room and took a shower. I sat on the floor of the shower and let the water beat against my skin as I cried for the umpteenth time today. After spending an hour in the shower I changed into a pair of Tom’s sweats and one of his oversized shirts. I blow-dried my hair and pulled it into a messy bun before going into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of white wine and watched TV. I turned to AMC where they always showed the classics. My Fair Lady with Audrey Hepburn was on. I sipped my wine not really watching the movie. My mind was somewhere else. Tom flashed through my mind way too much and I was on the verge of tears again. I turned the TV off and climbed into my big, empty, cold bed. I hugged Tom pillow to me. His scent lingered making me miss him more. I fell asleep clutching my Tom scented pillow for dear life.
The next morning my phone rang and TOM flashed across the small screen.
Alexis: Hello?
Tom: Hey babe!
Alexis: Hey! Baby I miss you so much.
Tom: I know I miss you too. I couldn’t stop thinking of you last night.
Alexis: Me either.
Kimberly walked into my room.
Kimberly: Mommy is that daddy? When is he coming home?
Kimberly began to cry and I knew Tom must have heard her because he began to cry also.
Tom’s POV
I heard Kimberly in the background and began to cry. Bill and the G’s looked at me and didn’t even laugh. They knew not to. I wiped my face with my sleeve.
Tom: Can I talk to her?
Alexis: Yea.
I heard the phone being passed to her.
Kimberly: Daddy?
Tom: I’m here baby.
Kimberly: Daddy I miss you so much.
Tom: I know baby I know. I miss you too.
Kimberly: when are you coming home?
Tom: In 3 months.
Kimberly: 3 months! That’s too long! I wish you were here daddy. I wish you were hugging me.
Tom: I wish I was home too. But I am hugging you, just imagine it, I’m holding right now. I’m holding you and I’m never letting go.
I could hear Alexis crying in the background. I looked up and saw the guys crying too.
Tom: I love you. Put mommy on the phone.
Kimberly: I love you too.
I heard the phone being passed again.
Alexis: hello?
Tom: I miss you.
Alexis: I miss you, 3 months huh?
Tom: yea, I’m counting the days.
I was about to have an emotional breakdown and I know Alexis could hear me trying not to cry. I managed to choke out.
Tom: I have to go, I love you.
Alexis: I love you, bye Tom.
I hung up and just cried. I couldn’t help it I miss them so much and I want to be home with my girlfriend and my daughter. I balled like a straight up baby, and Bill, Gustav, and Georg sat there with me as I cried, silently crying with me.