Status: one shot. completed.




Going the right speed, it's three seconds of freedom. Look beyong the vehicle window, see below the beauty of danger as the overpass could fall, and you could be dead, but look now see the bushes turning a burnish orange as autumn approaches. It's like a fantasy, a wonderland, escape from this world, fall into the overpass, but don't look now. Danger will claim somone's life.

Just like that, the space below the overpass just became a family of four's grave. A drunkard was swerving around, punched the accelerator, and killed two middle-aged parents, a nineteen year old young man, and a 5 month-old baby; a baby who would never get to live life, never get to be depressed, get over it and love life again, would never get to make choices, like the mistake of a choice the young man of twenty-six made. He'd been at a party, and it totally rocked dude! Until he crashed a car, it took a while for him to fully grasp the concept of the car crash, but when he understood he jumped out of the car and stumbled to the humble Honda that was smashed in on the side of the mother, Jenna, and baby girl, Lindsey. But it was too late.

The drunk killed himself that night.

Because of one mistake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't drink and drive.

this message brought to you by geiko! ahaha, just kidding. :)

I wrote the whole thing on the bus this morning. i was going over an overpass. ;) surprisingly. but i didn't write it down, so it's not perfect, like it was in my head this morning. s;